Homework Dials Up Innovation to Engage Emerging Markets
In an interview with edCircuit, Christopher Pruijsen, CEO and Co-Founder of Ster!o.me, discusses how technology is changing homework to better engage students.
In an interview with edCircuit, Christopher Pruijsen, CEO and Co-Founder of Ster!o.me, discusses how technology is changing homework to better engage students.
In this edCircuit interview, Zak Malamed, Founder & Executive Director of Student Voice, discusses his non-profit and the role it plays for students.
In this edCicruit interview, we sit down with Intel Vice President and General Manager of Education John Galvin.
Teaching critical thinking is crucial for students to understand cause-and-effect, ethics, and sportsmanship.
S teven Hodas, the former Executive Director for NY city’s iZone or Office of Innovation and current Practitioner in Residence at CRPE.org shares his views on innovation in the face of K-12 bureaucracy.