A Discussion on Youth Mental Health Awareness
Safer Ed Episode 6 – show host and guest Anne Brown and Tobin Novasio discuss how schools and outside organizations can support youth mental health.
Anne Brown has decades of experience as a public school teacher and an Ed Tech Executive. Before joining the Cook Center for Human Connection, Anne worked for several organizations, including Salt Lake City School District, Pearson, and Waterford.Org. Anne is thrilled to join Greg and Julie Cook to deliver critical programs, partnerships, research, and policy to impact suicide prevention and mental health programs.
Safer Ed Episode 6 – show host and guest Anne Brown and Tobin Novasio discuss how schools and outside organizations can support youth mental health.
In this episode of Conference Connections, our guest, Anne Brown, discusses youth mental health, suicide prevention, and school mental health preparation.
Anne Brown from the Cook Center for Human Connection shares how they help students and families. edLeaders emPowering Education Series at FETC.