EdCircuit Staff

Marcia Kish’s interest in blended learning began when she was a fifth grade teacher at Worthington City Schools.  Noticing that all students learn at a different pace, Marcia decided to ditch the traditional teaching method and go with the small group learning environment.  She soon realized she was creating something special and wanted to share out the teaching method with other teachers across the country. 

With a Bachelor’s degree in elementary education and a Master’s degree in Instructional Technology, Marcia was equipped and ready to take on the world of blended learning.  After 12 years of teaching in the classroom, Marcia went on to work as a professional development coordinator which then lead to her starting a Blended Learning high school in Central Ohio, Learning Without Limits.  

​Now, Marcia is presenting Keynote speeches on the success of blended learning, providing blended learning workshops, and coaching teachers through the process of implementing blended learning.  In her spare time, she is currently writing the “Blended Learning Cookbook”.