4 Ways to Implement Change: The BASE Model
4 Ways to Implement Change. The four stages of the BASE model reflect a commitment to continuous improvement in schools.
Dr. Ronald Williamson teaches courses in the principalship, school law, ethics and politics of education. He previously worked as a building level and central office school administrator in Michigan, as Executive Director of the National Middle School Association, a member of NASSP’s Middle-Level Council and President of the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform, a coalition of all the major professional organizations serving middle schools.
Dr. Williamson is the recipient of the Gruhn-Long-Melton award from NASSP in recognition of lifetime achievement in middle-level leadership, the Teaching Excellence Award from the University of North Carolina, Greensboro and the Alumni Teaching Excellence Award at Eastern Michigan University. The author of over 150 books, chapters, papers and articles in all the major professional journals serving school teachers and administrators, Dr. Williamson is recognized as one of the major advocates and researchers in the field of middle-level schools. Visit his website.
4 Ways to Implement Change. The four stages of the BASE model reflect a commitment to continuous improvement in schools.
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