Bringing Information Literacy to Every Classroom
In this episode, Shaelynn Farnsworth discusses literacy technology and the Future of Ed Tech Librarians and Media Specialists.
Shaelynn Farnsworth is a leader in the convergence between literacy and technology. As a high school teacher, she redefined her English classroom as a place to learn about literature and explore how technology is shaping the future of communications.
She continues this exploration as a consultant focusing on technology, literacy, differentiation, and systemic change. Shaelynn is a staff developer and literacy coach and supports districts in implementing initiatives. She is a MIEExpert, Google Certified Innovator, and Apple Teacher and has training in Project-Based Learning from the Buck Institute, Instructional Coaching, and K-12 Literacy Best Practices.
Shaelynn shares her musings at You can follow her on Twitter @shfarnsworth
In this episode, Shaelynn Farnsworth discusses literacy technology and the Future of Ed Tech Librarians and Media Specialists.
In this episode, Shaelynn Farnsworth shares firsthand how education can help break the cycle of poverty by being the first in her family to graduate.