EdCircuit Staff

Dr. Vikki Katz is an Associate Professor in the School of Communication and Information, and Affiliate Graduate Faculty in Sociology, at Rutgers University. She conducts research with children growing up in low-income and immigrant families. Dr. Katz examines how working class, low income, and immigrant children and their families adopt and integrate technology into family routines and learning experiences. She also investigates how parents and children manage interactions in U.S. social institutions, including schools, healthcare facilities, and courts. Dr. Katz serves on the Board of Directors for the National Center for Families Learning and the Advisory Board for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting-Public Broadcasting Service (CPB-PBS) Ready to Learn Program, which supports development of educational media targeted at preschool and early elementary school-aged children and their families to promote early learning and school readiness. She advises numerous PBS affiliates on creating and adapting content for immigrant families with young children, and for families who have inconsistent internet connectivity.