
How Much Is Too Much? Discussing A Lewd Election With Young, Impressionable Children

For quite some time now, Election 2016 has taken a dark and lewd turn. Whether it be the aggressive sexualization of women or nasty political rhetoric, media coverage is eating it up and ignoring candidates stances on critical issues that voters need to hear. Education is especially quiet during this election cycle, amongst other issues, both in the media and even in classrooms. Where normally young students are rightfully exposed to civics, the debates are perhaps too inappropriate for young and impressionable minds.

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Shaping Mathematics To Be Creative, Entertaining And Rewarding

Matthew Peterson, Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer, and Senior Scientist at MIND Research Institute, spoke about his involvement in the Institute and the overall state of mathematic learning in our nation. Peterson points to a number of alarming statistics that indicate how high school students are graduating with drastically inefficient math skills.

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Are We Doing Enough To Educate The Adolescent Mind?

Dr. Thomas Armstrong,  ASCD author of The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students, as well as, numerous other publications, sat down to discuss the intersection of education with mental health and the effects of teaching methods on the adolescent brain. Dr. Armstrong stresses the need for a better-balanced approach to education that concentrates on both the emotional brain and the reasoning mind.

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