From Badass Teachers Association: BAT’s Congratulate Hillary Clinton
BATs Congratulate Hillary ClintonThe Badass Teachers Association would like to congratulate you on your recent announcement to run for president. The Badass Teachers Association is an education activist organization that is nationwide. Currently, we are 55,000 strong with chapters in every state. We are organizing on the ground to change the conversation back to what public education should be, about children and their future. We have far reaching capability on Twitter, via our website, our blog, and Pinterest.Our organization was founded in June of 2013. We fight for strong public education for all children and for teacher autonomy in the classroom. We are a group that refuses to take the blame for our government’s inability to address child poverty and its impact on how children perform in school. We fight, on a daily basis, the efforts of big money to privatize our schools and use our children as market capital.We have been reviewing the history of your educational platform with interest in anticipation of your announcement. Read the rest of the letter at Badass Teachers Association