
EdTech Mail: Organizing Web Links for Classrooms

Straight from the latest edition of The R&R Show check out Richard Byrne’s advice on making edtech work for you! Remember to check out weekly editions of The R&R Show for the latest news on edtech from users all over the world. As always, if you have a question please send questions via #AskRichardByrne on

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Mobile Devices: From Distraction to Learning Tool

George Dotterer, NetRef CEO and founder, discusses how placing control in a teacher’s hands provides safer and more diverse learning experiences for students. Dotterer touches on hot topics including data usage and privacy practices, how students sometimes prove to be the best beta testers and how parents play a role in the larger discussion of edtech and learning outcomes. He further discusses the digital divide and connected approaches to learning from NetRef’s recent white paper The Digital Divide in the Age of the Connected Classroom.

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From Tech Crunch: The New Digital Stars of Higher Education

Peripheral characters have a funny way of changing our perspective. Once bit players, they invert our understanding of the plot, turn heroes into villains and reframe the issues. Looking at challenge — or stories — from the outside-in brings minor events to the forefront of the narrative to help us figure out what really happened — and why.

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