Digital Citizenship Summit Saturday October 3rd!

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  • Dr. Berger is one of many contributors to edCircuit. As an academic, Dr. Berger is a former assistant principal, and he is currently a managing partner at Reignlight and hosts a unique podcast, Headroom. He is a passionate Detroit sports fan who has also adopted Nashville sports teams as his own.

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Digital citizenship continues to become a part of the everyday vernacular in education. Dr. Marialice B.F.X. Curran takes a deeper dive into the subject following her recent op-ed in edCircuit. Curran shares upcoming events tying Connected Educator Month with the DigcitSummit and provides educators resources for weekly Twitter chats utilizing the hashtag #DigCit.


Dr. Marialice B.F.X. Curran is recognized as a national expert in digital citizenship. As the co-founder of the Digital Citizenship Summit and Digital Citizenship chat on Twitter, she is an Associate Professor at the University of Saint Joseph in West Hartford, Connecticut.  She was named one of the top 10 digital citizenship bloggers to follow in 2014 by Common Sense Media.  She also serves on the leadership team for the Digital Citizenship PLN through the International Society in Technology for Education (ISTE). Her teaching and scholarship focus on digital citizenship and social media in K-12 teacher education and she has spoken both nationally and internationally on the topic of digital citizenship and its relationship to both bullying & cyberbullying.

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  • Dr. Berger is one of many contributors to edCircuit. As an academic, Dr. Berger is a former assistant principal, and he is currently a managing partner at Reignlight and hosts a unique podcast, Headroom. He is a passionate Detroit sports fan who has also adopted Nashville sports teams as his own.

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