
A Veteran Teacher’s Perspective on Remote Learning – Ep. 19

Dr. Maria Carlone has embraced the challenges of teaching in a remote learning setting, in which half of her students are in the classroom while the other half are learning at home via video. Dr. Carlone teaches in an elementary school Spanish Immersion program and one of her students, Chloe, was our guest on last week’s episode.

This week we hear the teacher’s perspective from “the other side of the camera,” as Dr. Carlone describes what it’s been like to teach during the pandemic, what has been most challenging, what’s been successful, and how she has grown professionally. The conversation also touches on topics including learning loss and social-emotional health, which have been prominent in recent education discussions.

About the host:

Dr. Wendy Oliver is a highly qualified Tennessee teacher and administrator who has pioneered digital learning across multiple states and school districts. She has authored digital teaching standards and developed software that allows teachers to self-assess their knowledge of digital instruction. No matter which hat she’s wearing, her goal is simple — to empower learners. Dr. Oliver is currently the Chief Learning Officer for EdisonLearning.

Learn more about EdisonLearning by visiting https://edisonlearning.com/

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