Where we are, and how we got here
by Colby Joyner
Before we begin, I should give full disclosure. I write prescriptions for opioids. I write them often, and I work in chronic pain management. If anyone states this would make me unabashedly pro-opioid as a chronic pain medication, let me first say that further regulation and reduction of prescriptions would actually make my job easier. As it currently stands, opioids have no maximum dose nor rate of dose escalation, just a heavily-implied assumption of risk as the dose goes up. If a law is passed tomorrow that gives clear limits to doses and dose increases, my job, though forced, becomes multi-fold easier. The guesswork would be eliminated.
However, the subjectivity of pain, range of severity across the multitude of chronic pain conditions, and variance of medication efficacy from patient to patient complicate management and the “appropriate” dose to control both pain and risk, which makes the construction of such legislature difficult. As a result, a huge amount of intellectual concentration is focused on each patient as an individual, which is the real challenge in pain management. If that challenge were taken away, I would have a simpler workday, but it does not guarantee better patient care, neither does it change the facts of this article and how we should responsibly approach the problem as a whole.
He becomes a statistic added to the mounting evidence against opiate use — another increase to the number that has been used to encourage empathy and incite social activism. The tale of patients coming from far and wide without as much as a cough were offered extremely high doses of pain medicine every month without any physical examination. Got the cash? You got the script. That was at least the external perception of many chronic pain institutions that offer opioids—the pill mills. Their plight perpetuates the constant, inevitable link between illicit drug users and chronic pain patients.
Did the Chronic Pain Pill Mills Do It?
There is strong evidence that prescriptions were declining well before this year. The Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) own data showed a decrease of 18 percent in opioid prescriptions in 2015 compared to 2010, before this surge of public awareness and more drastic changes, including a decline over that five-year period in three-fourths of counties nationwide. Providers are writing significantly less prescriptions than 2010 and we are having more than double the overdose deaths [1,2]. That is the single most-compelling piece of evidence I have found that suggests today’s prescriptions are not the culprit for the recent death rise. Naysayers will quickly point out that opioid prescriptions are still triple 1999 levels, but the kind of precipitous rise from 1999 to 2010 does not explain the figures of the last few years. In fact, the largest jumps in death rate after 2005 have occurred in 2015 and beyond despite declining prescriptions being written. Something else has changed.
The CDC combined data from four studies of non-cancer chronic pain patients and found the risk of the highest dose group for fatal overdose was 0.25 percent, or 1-in-400 patients over a period of up to 13 years [3]. This group was taking the equivalent dose, regardless of medicine, of at least 100 milligrams of morphine daily. So, the group with the highest risk for fatal overdose, receiving the most medication that was measured, had a 1-in-400 chance of dying due to opioids in over a decade. A death rate of near 0.25 percent over this period is still too high in a general sense, and many of these patients most likely had glaring warning signs of noncompliance before these overdoses. But, if this is the risk of only the riskiest chronic pain patients, it will not yield an epidemic anywhere near the scale that we are experiencing today [4]. In other words, chronic pain patient deaths cannot be blamed for it.
Opioids for acute pain also has a much more important faction: inclusion criteria. A proper chronic pain patient requires a history that backs up their chronic pain story. They often have multiple surgeries, years of doctor’s visits, and a history of compliance or noncompliance with pain medication. Acute pain sufferers need only a condition that might have pain right now. A broken bone, pulled tooth, or a common rotator cuff tear can lead to an opiate prescription. The use in these patients might be more troubling since they have no guarantee of future prescriptions. They do not have diagnoses that warrant considering long-term narcotic use. This means if you get hooked, illicit use is your only option.
Starting Young
Patient age is also likely to be lower in acute pain, with prescriptions also being written for adolescents and teenagers. In 2011, Columbia University’s National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse found that 90 percent of Americans who suffered from addiction started abusing substances before age 18. Furthermore, they found that 25 percent who simply began any sort of use of addictive substances before age 18 became addicted later on, versus 4 percent who started at age 21 or older. This monstrous discrepancy suggests that we should heed more caution before starting any addictive substance in youth, including stimulants for ADD, tranquilizers for anxiety, or narcotics for pain relief. However, one-third of 12th graders entering the University of Michigan in 2010 that admitted using a prescription narcotic in the last year stated they got it from a prescription [9].
Begin the Crackdown
With no data readily available to determine the source of the increase in overdoses, the most obvious and easiest maneuver available to legislatures was to control prescriptions. And they did. The federal and state governments have taken large, sweeping moves against over-prescribing of pain-killers and mitigation of their risk. These include the March 2017 CDC guidelines against higher doses being managed by primary care, the FDA request that the extended release version of brand-name oxymorphone, Opana ER, be removed from the market, and many states limiting prescriptions for acute pain among other measures.
However, despite the efforts and resulting responses, death rates continue to rise. Because death rates take an exceedingly long amount of time to certify, up-to-date data is difficult to find nationally, but is more readily available at the state and county levels. The New York Times found that 2016 drug overdose deaths are likely to exceed 60,000 people at a rate that is growing in a near-exponential pattern with no signs of slowing down. Data from 2017 is even harder to gather, but the Times projects a momentous rise in deaths in six Ohio counties, even compared to 2016. The same model projects the 2017 numbers to more than quadruple the numbers from 2010 [10]. We must not be seeing the fruits of our labor yet. It’s too early. If we double down on limiting these obviously over-prescribed drugs, things will turn around. Right?
The guidelines, however, are just that. They have no hard limits. There is no legal action implicit for breaching them. Regardless, providers not specializing in pain management are still leaving opioid management in its entirety at an alarming rate, causing these patients to take one of three paths: find another provider, endure the intense withdrawals and rebound pain that can occur from abruptly stopping the medicine after years of use, or run to the streets and take what is available. The problem is that there is not always another provider, and even on the streets, the pain pills are not always an option.
What changed?
Street opioids changed. Their users have changed as well. Heroin abuse has shifted from low-income minorities to affluent Caucasian populations. No population has seen a higher rise than the young adult white female. White populations overall have seen a six-fold increase in ten years. Populations that have low susceptibility to any hard drugs suddenly started having a rise in use. Overdose death data also shows that though the average age of use has increased over the years, the average age of overdose death has become bimodal and significantly younger on average [11, 12]. This has created a system shock not only with the risks involved, but because these populations are not used to these risks. Alcohol and marijuana, sure, but heroin?
Heroin is relatively well-known. It can be taken orally, snorted (sniffed into the nasal passage), or, most dangerously, injected intravenously. It produces a high that is relatively short-lived and thus has to be dosed relatively often. It is a downer, which means its effects of withdrawals are generally worse than uppers like cocaine. It has also been around for a long time. The effects responsible for its rise are simple economics, namely cost and availability. Potent heroin has become more widely available and cheaper [13]. The Washington Post may have said it best with the title of their 2015 article, “Why a bag of heroin costs less than a pack of cigarettes,” which described how the knowledge of the increasing price of street prescription opiates motivated Mexican drug cartels to increase production and move it to more parts of the country [14]. That may explain the increase in use, but not necessarily deaths. Heroin users, though they certainly had a lower life expectancy than most, historically could use for decades without a fatal overdose.
Enter fentanyl. Some may recognize fentanyl as its historical form of a skin patch, used to help chronic pain suffers for three days at a time. Though the patch has the same molecules as the fentanyl on the street and is also wildly dangerous when abused, it has also been around for a long time without causing this level of crisis. The problem now is bulk fentanyl powder funneled from Mexico and domestically made in labs. If a cartel is moving heroin now, they have to beat the competition’s heroin. It is doing to heroin what heroin did to the street prescription drugs: be cheaper, stronger, and more available.
Even more disturbing is the animal anesthetic for large animals (such as elephants) carfentanil, now also in the drug supply. This form of fentanyl is so potent an amount the size of a salt grain can kill, ten-thousand times stronger than morphine. First-responders may be recommended to wear gloves when arriving at scenes of suspected opioid overdose, and a child in Miami died from fentanyl skin contact in June [18, 19]. In a three-week period last summer, the DEA found eight of 208 overdoses to show carfentanil in Cincinnati [20].
But Does A Really Lead to B?
You may have noticed a common line between chronic pain patients and illicit opioid users. The reduction in the amount of pain prescriptions and providers writing them has led to the detriment of both populations. Let me explain.
Chronic pain patients are facing difficulty finding providers who will treat them. They are often unwanted at pharmacies, regardless of how high their dose may be. They went to a provider at least twelve times every year, and some of them have done this for decades. Then, with a loss of a provider, they face a choice. Many will responsibly taper and learn to tolerate their pain or find another provider. Some will find the withdrawals and pain too much to bear and seek another path. Remember when I said pain pills on the streets might not be an option?
For those who want to only use heroin as a last option, even taking the drugs they believe to be prescription painkillers may not be possible. An increase in fake pills filled with, you guessed it, heroin and fentanyl made to look like oxycodone and other traditional pills has begun, and in some places, become dominant. A special agent in charge of the DEA’s New England division even said that if you are buying prescription pain pills on the street, they are probably fakes [24]. To make things worse, just like how the strength of heroin and fentanyl makes them much deadlier, a patient may find themselves overdosing on a couple of fake pills that had enough fentanyl when it normally would take a dozen to get the same response. Since pills have an even greater profit margin, often reaching $30 or more per pill, this sort of behavior will continue to rise when $1 of bulk fentanyl can turn into $1,000 in fake pills on the streets.
To be clear, the goal is not having more prescription painkillers on the streets. However, it is undeniable that recreational use of prescription drugs is less lethal than heroin and fentanyl. If we are going to restrict one side, we must provide proper support so to avoid people from moving to a riskier alternative. We want to avoid people moving from A to B, where A is a user of prescriptions painkillers and B is much worse, a user of heroin and fentanyl. Up until this point, we have been using laws, regulations, and actions by agencies to do our best to restrict people from becoming A, believing that it will then stop B from growing. But, what if you are an A that will never become a B, or, even worse still, already a B? If that is the case, what we have done will do little to help you. Those who are already a B will continue to die. The As who would never be Bs are inconvenienced, mistreated, and actually given a larger risk of becoming Bs. Those who become Bs and skip being an A altogether are not helped. Those benefitting are future abusers of prescription opiates. The ones driving up the death rates, current heroin users, do not benefit from prescription opioid restriction. We are inadvertently sacrificing two populations: isolated chronic pain patients and the heroin users unaffected by further prescription control.
What to do about it
Instead of continued prescription control, efforts should be focused on the population who is overdosing at the highest rate. Unfortunately, the public is largely unaware of the most effective standards of treatment. Awareness of naloxone, particularly its nasal spray version Narcan, has increased due to it being carried by law enforcement and first responders. New initiatives have focused heavily on this medication due to its ability to give back a life in an instant. Cincinnati’s Hamilton County recently revealed a plan to quadruple the distribution of the drug. However, in this form, naloxone will only stop an overdose in progress, but not discourage heroin use itself–much like how an Epi-pen may save someone allergic to bee stings, but does not keep them from walking through the bees. Furthermore, if you gave every heroin user ten doses, the same number of overdoses would happen, there would simply be the chance of less lethal overdoses.
Opioid overdoses also require someone else to do the dosing, when many overdose victims are found alone. Some enforcement groups are also worried that naloxone is seen as a “get out of jail free” card that allows users to continue reckless use without fear of overdose [25]. Relying on this as a failsafe is also straining economically. Middletown, Ohio, a town of less than 50,000 people, is on pace to spend more than $100,000 on Narcan this year [26]. A councilman even suggested limiting overdose EMS response to no more than two per person [27]. Third overdose? No response. A treatment that often requires an emergency response and tiptoeing the line of life and death cannot be a foundational treatment.
Fortunately, patients tend to do exceedingly-well with medication-assisted treatment itself, but has its own challenges. Detox centers are often highly expensive and have poor long-term results without being coupled to counseling and medication therapy [28]. Methadone requires high doses (commonly higher than severe chronic pain doses), is itself significantly susceptible to overdoses, and is described as one of the hardest opioids to taper over time, feeding the “you are just trading one drug for another” argument. Methadone treatment also requires going to a specialized methadone clinic that often requires daily visits, meaning that if heroin already didn’t put a stop to living a normal life, quitting heroin using these methods most certainly will [29].
Regardless of the choice between methadone and buprenorphine, the return on investment of these treatments, in conjunction with counseling, would be far more effective than simply increasing Narcan availability. These methods have the potential of ceasing the heroin use entirely, reducing the chance of exposure to other drugs like fentanyl, and allowing for the type of interruption necessary to break such a life-consuming habit. We have to make receiving this treatment easier than continuing to use heroin. It would be a focused effort in death reduction and life change without the unintended consequence of damaging legitimate users of opioid medications.
Dealing with opioid addiction and responsible prescribing is nuanced. It is a complex matter that requires the consideration of many factors and the ability to avoid thinking in absolutes. It requires weighing current and future misuse while humanely treating those who have relied on these medications for years. For these humans, lives are destroyed before the first moment of overdose. Likewise, they can be saved after it — but we would do better if we never had to in the first place.
- https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/new-numbers-reveal-huge-disparities-in-opioid-prescribing_us_5991a8c4e4b0caa1687a61e6
- https://www.cdc.gov/media/modules/dpk/2016/dpk-pod/rr6501e1er-ebook.pdf
- https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2017/8/1/15746780/opioid-epidemic-end
- https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/1918924
- https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/relationship-between-prescription-drug-heroin-abuse/prescription-opioid-use-risk-factor-heroin-use
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25896191
- https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJMra1507771
- https://www.drugabuse.gov/
- https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/06/05/upshot/opioid-epidemic-drug-overdose-deaths-are-rising-faster-than-ever.html
- https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/mar/29/us-heroin-use-has-increased-almost-fivefold-in-a-decade-study-shows
- https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1874575
- https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/relationship-between-prescription-drug-abuse-heroin-use/heroin-use-driven-by-its-low-cost-high-availability
- https://web.archive.org/web/20230921044632/https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2015/08/27/why-a-bag-of-heroin-costs-less-than-a-pack-of-cigarettes-2/
- https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/08/03/upshot/opioid-drug-overdose-epidemic.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur
- https://www.cdc.gov/
- https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/drug-war-no-heroin-without-fentanyl_us_59a6f72de4b063ae34daa40f
- https://www.cnn.com/2017/07/19/health/miami-boy-overdose-fentanyl-bn/index.html
- https://time.com/
- https://time.com/4485792/heroin-carfentanil-drugs-ohio/
- https://globalnews.ca/news/3637148/fentanyl-overdoses-canada-2017/
- https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-hari-prescription-drug-crisis-cause-20170112-story.html
- https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/investigations/2017/03/26/paramedics-opioid-crisis-overdose-antidote-mixed-blessing/98544310/
- https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2017/09/07/hamilton-county-boost-narcan-400-percent-fight-overdose-deaths/624288001/
- https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/06/28/ohio-councilman-suggests-three-strikes-law-halt-overdose-rescues/434920001/#
- https://lacrossetribune.com/news/high-cost-of-opioid-crisis-unbearable/article_fceb4db3-275a-50c8-a707-82d2cc77152a.html
- https://www.cochrane.org/CD002209/ADDICTN_methadone-maintenance-therapy-versus-no-opioid-replacement-therapy
- https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/5/5/e007629
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26305073
Colby Joyner is a graduate of Wingate University with a Master’s degree, Physician’s Assistant. He works with patients to minimize pain, improve function, and increase their quality of life.
Further Reading
- WBIR – School system to hold education forums on opioid threat
- WTOP – Educators get more involved fighting Maryland opioid crisis
- Click Orlando – Central Florida schools respond to opioid crisis