Our Reach

Our Reach

If you want to market to EdTech’s most influential audience, then edCircuit is your communication partner of choice. edCircuit is the fastest-growing online media destination for the voices that emPower education, along with our partners, we can reach > 500,000 people in, or interested in education. 

Put Your Brand in Front of Industry Insiders and Decision Makers

Our readers rely on our social media outlets, free newsletters, dynamic media content, network partners, and contributors to deliver news and trends shaping the education industry.

Our marketing campaigns can help you:

  • Generate leads for your sales team
  • Tell your company’s story via content marketing
  • Position your company as a leader on key industry topics
  • Increase brand recognition through reach and repetition
  • Represent and facilitate the conversation around a certain topic area

Our readers are:

  • Highly educated
  • Place a premium on quality education
  • Decision-makers in public and private schools
  • Professionally upwardly mobile
  • Socially committed and engaged in their communities
  • Passionate advocates
  • Education industry influencer

Contributor Leverage

Over 1,000 trusted educators, administrators, teachers, students, global education influencers, media personalities, authors, well-known thought leaders, social media giants, education change-makers,  and strategic education advisors have contributed to the growth of edCircuit. We look to our contributors to increase the network effect and share communications with their audiences.


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Over 350,000 unique subscribers and growing.

By The Numbers

> 300,000 mthly visitors
> 200,000 mthly page views
> 115,000 decision makers


> 500,000 targeted education followers across various social media platforms, syndicate partners, and contributor networks.

Target Audience

Our audience is specifically targeted for educators, administrators, public and private schools, higher education institutions, parents and students. Representing the various voices that emPower education.

About Our Readers

- Highest % are ages 25-34
- 70% female, 30% male
- 70%  from the United States
- 30% from the UK,
- remainder, India and Europe