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Living in rural Montana has its charms—the vast skies, stunning landscapes, and a community spirit that makes it feel like home. While I plan to remain in the Treasure State for life, the students I work with might choose different paths. Regardless of where they go post-graduation, it’s crucial they are prepared for success.

As a former classroom teacher, I’ve seen educational technology’s ability to spark student curiosity and engage students in learning. Now, as Discovery Education’s Manager of Statewide and Strategic Partnerships, I’m helping rural educators in several states leverage multimedia content, instructional supports, innovative classroom tools, and corporate partnerships for student success.

In discussions with teachers and school administrators I’ve worked with nationwide, I’ve pinpointed four areas where edtech can help support the success of rural students.

Career Exploration

If I look around my community, I can readily see career opportunities in agriculture, mining, animal husbandry, and construction. When I expand my horizons to the areas around my immediate community, I can see careers in law enforcement, retail, healthcare, and, of course, education. However, many of our rural students are looking for career paths beyond their local communities. This means providing students with the ability to learn about new career paths beyond their immediate surroundings is critical.

Edtech resources can play an important role in helping students explore the world beyond the classroom. Through today’s edtech tools and services, students can be transported into a new world of career possibilities. They can explore manufacturing with Caterpillar, learn about biotechnology from the team at Genetech, or talk directly with a real scientist from 3M. Through edtech, each student can explore a world of new careers right from their desk.

And good news! Research shows that students want more opportunities to learn about possible careers at school. As The Education Insights Report by Discovery Education shows, approximately 70% of students agree that career exploration resources are vital not only for long-term success, but also for enhancing day-to-day learning.

Scaling Best Practices

In the rural United States, some educators are still teaching in the equivalent of a one-room schoolhouse. This means that they are teaching every subject, every grade level, as well as serving as the bus driver, janitor, nurse, and more. Literally, in a one-room schoolhouse, the resident educator is managing every minute of the school day single-handedly.

Edtech can help tremendously by scaling what is considered best practice into any environment and empowering teachers to deliver more personalized and differentiated learning to students. From creating customized intervention plans to personal enrichment opportunities for gifted students, edtech saves teachers valuable time by making it easier to scale high-quality instructional experiences.

Providing Accessibility

Libraries are few and far between in rural communities. Often, the local school is the only library available and even then, costs often prohibit the creation of a full library. If you are from a rural community, you might remember the Bookmobile! As a young student, you would see that large bus parked out front and know that you could get almost any book you wanted or have them order it. Unfortunately, the number of rural communities serviced by a Bookmobile has decreased significantly over the years. So how do we provide new literature and nonfiction stories and books to our rural students?

Edtech providers have done a good job filling that gap by providing literature to students through assets such as audiobooks, podcasts, and animated stories. Some providers also offer teachers access to numerous ready-to-use activities that pair these resources with engaging instructional strategies, providing educational experiences to the student and easy lesson planning for the teacher.

In addition, the K-12 platform Discovery Education Experience offers a curated library of relevant, interesting videos, interactives, podcasts, and much more that students can explore. In this way, edtech not only provides accessibility of resources to all students, but it also nurtures the innate curiosity in all students.

Professional Learning

Rural educators often find it difficult to drive hundreds of miles to attend professional development conferences and sessions, not only because of the time and energy it takes to drive, but because, more than likely, they must cancel school because there is not a substitute to cover their class.

Many innovative edtech providers offer options for either synchronous or asynchronous professional learning that can keep teachers just as informed about the latest developments in instructional practice as their peers. In addition, professional learning communities like the Discovery Educator Network, Apple’s Distinguished Educator program, and others provide opportunities for teachers to stay connected through a network of teachers not only in their state or the nation, but globally. Teachers can share best practices, compare lessons, and make connections with career specialists to talk to their classroom. But most importantly, teachers have access to professional development that they can do when it fits their schedule.

For years, rural educators have lagged behind their suburban and urban colleagues in integrating edtech into instruction. Funding, lack of high-speed internet, and other barriers have inhibited the implementation of edtech resources in our schools. However, as technology has improved and as state leaders seek to bring digital resources to all learners, it is time rural educators move forward in providing our students the benefits of high-quality edtech resources. The students we serve need our help to prepare them for the future, and it is our duty to answer the call!

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In today’s educational landscape, school districts are increasingly recognizing the importance of implementing comprehensive safety programs to ensure the well-being of students, staff, and the entire school community. A holistic approach to safety, particularly in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) education, is essential for creating a secure and conducive learning environment. 

The shift from a traditional, holistic approach to a more spectral STEAM safety program is a revolutionary step towards addressing the diverse academic disciplines within the educational setting. It encompasses a wide array of safety protocols and training initiatives that are vital for enhancing awareness and promoting safety best practices. 

One of the fundamental responsibilities of school administrators and educators is to provide regular training and awareness programs in alignment with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines. These programs should be conducted regularly to ensure that safety remains a top priority, with monthly safety meetings and ongoing safety-related agenda items being integral components of this approach. 

Furthermore, the implementation of activity-based risk assessments, meticulous documentation reviews, and the use of safety acknowledgment forms are crucial for reinforcing safety expectations and mitigating potential legal entanglements in the event of accidents. 

In the context of STEAM education, where hands-on activities and experiments are commonplace, the proper utilization of personal protective equipment (PPE) and adherence to safety protocols are of utmost importance. Educators must be well-versed in identifying and addressing hazards and risks before carrying out any activities, emphasizing the significance of using suitable PPE such as safety glasses and chemical splash goggles.

Moreover, school facilities and instructional spaces, including laboratories and classrooms, must undergo regular inspections to ensure that safety equipment such as eye wash stations and emergency showers are functional and readily available. 

Additionally, appropriate storage of materials and strict adherence to safety data sheets are imperative for maintaining a safe learning environment. It is essential to recognize that a comprehensive safety program not only benefits students and staff but also extends to the broader school community, including administrators and supervisors. By fostering a culture of safety and accountability, school districts can create an environment where everyone plays a pivotal role in upholding and promoting safety standards. 

In conclusion, a holistic STEAM safety program in school districts is a multifaceted endeavor that demands unwavering commitment and collaboration from all stakeholders. By embracing a spectral approach to safety, school districts can instill a culture of safety consciousness that ultimately enhances the overall educational experience for everyone involved.

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DALLAS — November 13, 2024 — x2VOL, the leading tracking and reporting platform used by school districts across the U.S., achieved a new milestone of over 75 million approved hours of student community service and work-based learning. The students’ efforts contributed $2.5 billion in economic impact. 

x2VOL reached other significant milestones in 2024. In September, the New York City Public Schools Department of Education awarded x2VOL approved vendor status to manage, track, and verify student service hours towards the 100-hour requirement for the Chancellor’s Service Endorsement (also called the “Seal of Recognition for Service”). Additionally, x2VOL is being used by many schools to track  The Arkansas LEARNS Act requiring 75 hours of community service before graduating, as well as the Florida for Bright Futures scholarship.

The value of x2VOL goes far beyond its ability to streamline and secure the verification process for student hours. Reaching the milestone of 75 million hours is evidence of two additional benefits:

  • Personal Growth and Belonging: For students, service helps strengthen communities as students become active participants in their surrounding neighborhoods discovering needs and providing help to those around them. x2VOL enables students to write reflections on their service, which helps them engage more deeply, experience personal development, and apply their experiences to their education. This milestone is a display of students’ passion for improving the world around them and uniting around a common purpose.
  • Data and Analytics: The information about opportunities students choose and where they spend their time combined with their desired career path and college goals are valuable data for LMS (learning management systems), SIS (student information systems), and CCR (college and career readiness) platforms because it informs the student profile. Data about what students do beyond the classroom is currently not tracked in a meaningful way on student profiles, but it is tracked by x2VOL which makes it a valuable complement to LMS, SIS, and CCR platforms. 

“Students who use x2VOL are able to reflect on their experiences. They gain compassion and respect for others and develop responsibility, attributes that shape them as they define their college and career path,” said Michele Pitman, founder and CEO of intelliVOL, maker of x2VOL. “We’re proud of the work the service leaders do at schools across the U.S. and this milestone shows their dedication to student growth and engagement.”

Pitman added, “The data x2VOL generates about student interests beyond the classroom are in high demand. x2VOL is poised to see significant growth as LMS, SIS and CCR providers seek ways to add data like what x2VOL generates into their offerings.”

Note: The economic impact of services is calculated from guidelines from the Independent Sector, with the Do Good Institute at the University of Maryland, which set $33.49 as the standard value for each volunteer hour

About x2VOL x2VOL is the leading tracking and reporting platform in K-12 education, with over 75 million approved service hours since being founded in 2009. x2VOL is used to manage, track, and verify community service, work-based learning, and CTE (career and technical education) hours. It has won several awards among leading education publications including District Administration Magazine, EdTech Digest, Tech & Learning, the SIIA CODIE Awards, and eSchoolNews. Learn more at

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WHAT: A no-cost 30-minute webinar for K-8 teachers, librarians, and education technology leaders interested in creating a makerspace or maximizing their makerspace’s potential

WHO: Amber Hudson, VP of Educational Services at 1st Maker Space

            Peter Cipkowski, Ed.D., strategic advisor to TinkRworks

WHEN: Wednesday, November 20; 5-5:30PM CDT


ELMHURST, Ill. — Nov. 13, 2024 — Makerspaces bring STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education to life by encouraging hands-on learning and creative problem-solving. Students develop perseverance and a sense of ownership in their work as they experiment with ideas, create designs, and refine prototypes.

On Wednesday, November 20, Peter Cipkowski, Ed.D. strategic advisor to STEAM education curriculum provider TinkRworks and Amber Hudson, VP of Educational Services at customized makerspace creator 1st Maker Space, will host a free 30-minute webinar that explores how a well-designed makerspace can ignite students’ curiosity, creativity, and real-world problem-solving.

Webinar attendees will learn:

  • What a makerspace is and why we need them: How the maker movement is reshaping STEAM education and preparing students for the future workforce.
  • How to refresh or set up a makerspace: Practical tips on planning, gaining staff and community support, and more.
  • How to secure funding for steam learning: Tips on partnering with local businesses, applying for grants, using Title IV funds, and gathering supply donations.

The webinar is part of TinkRWorks and 1st Maker Space’s new collaboration – offering educators an integrated and time-saving approach to STEAM learning. “School districts have an urgent need to not only maximize makerspaces and STEAM labs, but also to provide support and professional development for the effective use of those spaces,” said Chad A. Stevens, Ph.D., CEO of TinkRWorks. “Together, TinkRWorks and 1st Maker Space will offer a ‘one-stop shop’ solution that delivers high-quality, standards-aligned resources while equipping educators with the skills and training needed to succeed.”

Hudson leads curriculum and professional development for 1st Maker Space. She spent over 20 years teaching upper elementary students at Hamilton Southeastern Schools in Indiana. At the cusp of the maker movement, Hudson created a classroom makerspace that was collaborative, problem-based, and student-driven. Her classroom maker projects gained the attention of Mayor Scott Fadness of Fishers, Indiana; the Indiana Department of Homeland Security; and Congresswoman Susan Brooks. Hudson has a master’s in curriculum development and a passion for designing lessons and developing curriculum that engage students through hands-on learning.

Cipkowski is an interdisciplinary lecturer at UCLA with a focus in educational policy, global competitiveness, and civic engagement. With more than 25 years’ experience, he has led the development of Educational Technology and STEM solutions at leading school districts and publishers across the United States. Peter holds a doctorate from the University of Southern California in Global Education. 

Webinar attendees will earn a certificate of participation. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. Registrants who are unable to attend live will receive access to the recording.

For more information, please go to

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DERRY, N.H. – (Nov. 13, 2024) – Intelitek and Paton Group, an H2I group company, announced today that California State Polytechnic University (Cal Poly), Pomona has chosen the SmartCIM 4.0 modular training environment for its new digital manufacturing and automation lab. The system will be used to provide students with hands-on experience in automation and robotics, modern manufacturing technologies, mechatronics, and Industry 4.0 technologies.

Cal Poly Pomona is part of the 23-campus California State University system, an economic engine within the state adding more than 100,000 graduates annually to the skilled workforce. The university’s undergraduate engineering program is consistently ranked in the Top 10 by U.S. News & World Report.  

“Our department is entrenched in understanding industrial processes and efficiency,” said Shokoufeh Mirzaei, professor and chair of the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at Cal Poly Pomona. “The addition of this system into our new Vy and Timothy Li Automation Laboratory enables learning and students and faculty research which we expect will greatly benefit our students.”

Intelitek’s SmartCIM 4.0’s flexible training system will give students experiential learning opportunities with industrial-grade equipment and applications within a school lab environment. The system is configured to function as an automated factory, supporting the design, manufacture, and testing of products and components. Key components of Cal Poly Pomona’s SmartCIM 4.0 installation include:

  • A computer numerical control (CNC) milling station
  • A CNC turning station (lathe)
  • A laser engraving station
  • A 72-station automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) with an integrated cartesian robot
  • Assembly and quality control stations with machine vision

The components are linked by a continuous-loop conveyor and pallet tracking system, a central management control station, a TCP/IP communication network, and Intelitek’s OpenMES software. The system has been expanded and adapted to address the institution’s future applied learning needs by adding smart sensors supporting real-time protocols like OPC-UA reporting so that Cal Poly Pomona industry 4.0 research projects can integrate with the system.

“We created the SmartCIM 4.0 because being able to develop skills and knowledge using industrial-grade equipment that makes real products is a game-changing learning opportunity for students,” said Tony Oran, CEO of Intelitek. “We’re happy to be working with institutions like Cal Poly Pomona to support this level of experiential learning. We’re also very happy to be seeing more institutions becoming aware of the benefits of this approach as evidenced by the increasing adoption of the SmartCIM 4.0 system from coast to coast.”

Cal Poly Pomona’s new digital manufacturing and automation lab is the basis for a collaboration between Cal Poly Pomona and CESMII, a federally funded nonprofit manufacturing institute that promotes and supports the adoption of Smart Manufacturing. CESMII and the university’s industrial and manufacturing engineering department will collaborate on development and delivery of advanced Smart Manufacturing training.

Cal Poly Pomona instructors will have access to Intelitek’s entire library of over 100 courses, giving them the option of combining CIM-specific courses with other Intelitek courses to build a comprehensive Career and Technical Education solution. The curriculum is also aligned to the ARM Industry 4.0 blueprint as well as other industry credentials awarded by the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS).

For more information about Intelitek’s SmartCIM 4.0, go to

About Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly Pomona is the No. 1 polytechnic university for diversity and economic mobility, recognized for the strengths of its engineering, architecture and design, agriculture and hospitality management programs. Founded in 1938, it is a leading public university whose unique agricultural heritage meets economic growth and urban vitality. It is one of three polytechnic universities in the 23-campus California State University (CSU) system — the largest four-year public university system in the United States recognized in national college rankings by U.S. News & World Report, The Wall Street Journal and Washington Monthly for providing transformational opportunities for upward mobility to more than 450,000 students from all socioeconomic backgrounds. The CSU powers California and the nation, sending nearly 127,000 career-ready graduates into the workforce each year. One in every 20 Americans holding a college degree earned it at the CSU.

About Paton Group, an H2I Group Company

Paton Group, an H2I Group company, is a value-added reseller specializing in educational technology for design, prototyping, advanced manufacturing, and fabrication. Representing top manufacturers of CAD/CAM software, CNC mills & lathes, laser engravers, robotics, and 3D printers, the company provides cutting-edge classroom solutions. Each product includes project-based curriculum and certification options to enhance value and user success. On-site service and maintenance are available to ensure long-term performance. With over 28 years of experience, Paton Group | H2I Group equips students with real-world technology skills for rewarding, technology-driven careers.

About Intelitek

Intelitek is at the forefront of training for STEM and CTE. With a focus on Kindergarten to Career the company offers CoderZ, a fun and equitable gamified and game-based learning experience to Industry 4.0 education for CTE. For four decades, the company’s innovative learning solutions have provided learners across the globe with the competencies needed for in-demand careers in production. Driven by its pedagogic commitment to students’ career readiness and lifelong learning skills, the company develops state-of-the-art tools and technologies for engineering, manufacturing, automation, and robotics technologies. These technologies, along with Intelitek’s programs, empower instructors and inspire students to pursue careers in cutting-edge businesses. For more information go to:                        

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WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — Nov. 13, 2024 — SMPTE®, the home for media professionals, technologists, and engineers — and a global organization dedicated to advancing interoperability of hardware and software by developing engineering standards and guidelines — has joined with Avid, a global leader in media technology for broadcast customers, to publish a new standard for the VC-3 codec in Interoperable Master Format (IMF).

The VC-3 standard, a codec implementation that Avid provides under the DNx brand, is a primary production codec used by enterprise media organizations around the world for critical broadcast functions such as capture, editing, rendering, base transcoding, and long-term archive. SMPTE ST 2067-70 is a new standard that specifies an application of the IMF framework covering usage of VC-3 as specified in SMPTE ST 2019-1.

“For many of Avid’s customers, the DNx family of codecs, VC-3, is used in their productions as a mezzanine format to maximize quality while obtaining superior editing performance on common off-the-shelf desktop and server platforms,” said Avid VP of Technology, Shailendra Mathur. “This newly published standard will ensure that the same mezzanine-quality codec used in production can now be passed through to the IMF mastering stage for distribution.”

IMF is an important international media standard for providing a single interchangeable master file format and structure for the distribution of content. IMF is a family of SMPTE Standards (SMPTE ST 2067) that simplifies the storage of all the audiovisual content needed to create different versions for distribution to multiple territories and platforms in one package. It is an essential component of modern, high-scale content fulfillment and has enabled the building of simplified delivery and processing systems for versioning. The IMF package itself can be used for B2B content exchange between content owners, post facilities, and distribution platforms.

As VC-3 is a primary production codec used when delivering to a variety of broadcasters, the new ST 2067-70 standard covers its usage with IMF, which enables delivery in VC-3 codecs that closely matches the ideals of IMF in keeping the maximum quality possible for future distribution/reversion and archive. The standard allows any broadcast facility to deliver final assets for broadcast/archive with as much of the original creative intent in place as possible. It also offers a choice to use a constant bit rate (CBR) codec profile, which enables predictability for storage and network transport. The standardization will provide time and cost savings, and it bypasses quality degradation due to the ability to pass through previously encoded content without having to transcode into a different format.

The DPP, an organization whose membership spans the media supply chain including media technology and production companies, initially approached SMPTE and Avid as a co-proponent in the development of this standard, which offers significant workflow advantages over the alternatives currently in the specification, including the easy insertion of changes (before creating a final IMF deliverable) and potentially faster turnaround times.

“It has been great to support the collaboration between Avid and SMPTE to enable the use of VC-3 codec within the IMF framework,” said DPP Technology Strategist David Thompson. “This addition meets a clear business need for companies who use VC-3 as their primary production codec and wish to adopt IMF for distribution and archiving.”

“We are pleased to be working with SMPTE on improvements to the DNx family of codecs, VC-3, for the benefit of our valued member partners in the DPP,” said Avid Chief Technology Officer Kevin Riley. “Avid understands that improving DNx is critical to our customers in keeping existent media processing chains intact. This new standard maintains the ability for our DNx codec to be storage- and network-friendly while also producing time and cost savings, as the delivery format can now match the production codec used by our partners and customers.”

Further information about SMPTE can be found at

More information on Avid and the DPP is available at and at

# # #

About SMPTE®
SMPTE is the global society of media professionals, technologists, and engineers working in the digital entertainment industry. The Society fosters a diverse and engaged membership from both the technology and creative communities, delivering vast educational offerings, technical conferences, and exhibitions, the SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, and access to a rich network of colleagues essential to their career success. As an internationally recognized standards organization, SMPTE also provides a vital technical framework of engineering standards and guidelines that allow the seamless creation, management, and delivery of media for art, entertainment, and education worldwide.

About Avid Technology
Avid Powers Greater Creators        
People who create media for a living become greater creators with Avid’s award-winning technology solutions to make, manage and monetize today’s most celebrated video and audio content—from iconic movies and binge-worthy TV series, to network news and sports, to recorded music and the live stage. What began more than 30 years ago with our invention of nonlinear digital video editing has led to individual artists, creative teams and organizations everywhere subscribing to our powerful tools and collaborating securely in the cloud. We continue to re-imagine the many ways editors, musicians, producers, journalists, and other content creators will bring their stories to life. Discover the possibilities at and join the conversation on social media with the multitude of brilliant creative people who choose Avid for a lifetime of success.

About DPP
The DPP is the media industry’s business network. It is a not-for-profit company with an international membership that spans the whole media supply chain, covering global technology companies, production companies, digital agencies, suppliers, service providers, post-production facilities, online platforms, broadcasters, distributors and not-for-profit organizations. The DPP harnesses the collective intelligence of its membership to generate insight, enable change and create market opportunities.

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