Powerful Principles to Guide Parents and Students

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  • Patrice M. Bain, Ed.S. is an educator, speaker and author. She was a finalist for Illinois Teacher of the Year and a Fulbright Scholar in Russia. Her work has been featured in national and international webinars, podcasts, articles and press. She spent 15 of her 25+ years teaching career working with cognitive scientists turning research into learning strategies. Bain was asked by the Department of Education to work with cognitive scientists to co-author Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning. In addition, Patrice co-authored Powerful Teaching: Unleash the Science of Learning. She was one of two U.S. teachers on the working task group: Neuromyths vs. Neurotruths, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) and National Commission on Education Research (NCER). She serves on the Educational Advisory Boards for the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Deans for Impact.

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In this interview with Patrice Bain, author of Powerful Teaching: A Guide for Parents (John Catt Educational), hear about the importance of uncovering and applying research in education while making it more accessible and clear to teachers, parents, and students. Communication is a key element for all stakeholders involved, and with the prevalence of remote learning in today’s world, Bain felt the timing was right to offer a focused guide to assist parents in the process.

Bain’s book examines four proven research principles referred to as “Power Tools.” Retrieval, spacing, interleaving, and feedback-driven metacognition are the four powerful strategies explained in detail with useful tips for parents and students to apply to their learning.

As you listen to the interview, think through the following questions, and consider your views on cognitive research and how applying proven research principles can enhance learning practices and student achievement:

• Do you find quality research accessible and communicated in a clear, applicable fashion in your practice? Are there methods or approaches to cognitive research that you would like better explained?

• How would you apply Bain’s four power tools of retrieval, spacing, interleaving, and feedback-driven metacognition to student learning in the classroom?

• Teachers are under enormous pressure in juggling remote learning and hybrid models that involve parents. Do you feel research-based methodologies could help all involved communicate more effectively while boosting overall understanding of the process?

• Do you feel that all elements of the “teaching triangle” (parent, student, and the teacher) are addressed effectively in your learning environment? Do you find strategies used at school are also being reinforced at students’ homes?

Learn more about Patrice Bain’s’ book, Powerful Teaching: A Guide for Parents, and more great John Catt Educational publications, by visiting us.johncattbookshop.com

Listen to more episodes of Author Chats.


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  • edCircuit is a mission-based organization entirely focused on the K-20 EdTech Industry and emPowering the voices that can provide guidance and expertise in facilitating the appropriate usage of digital technology in education. Our goal is to elevate the voices of today’s innovative thought leaders and edtech experts. Subscribe to receive notifications in your inbox

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  • Patrice M. Bain, Ed.S. is an educator, speaker and author. She was a finalist for Illinois Teacher of the Year and a Fulbright Scholar in Russia. Her work has been featured in national and international webinars, podcasts, articles and press. She spent 15 of her 25+ years teaching career working with cognitive scientists turning research into learning strategies. Bain was asked by the Department of Education to work with cognitive scientists to co-author Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning. In addition, Patrice co-authored Powerful Teaching: Unleash the Science of Learning. She was one of two U.S. teachers on the working task group: Neuromyths vs. Neurotruths, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) and National Commission on Education Research (NCER). She serves on the Educational Advisory Boards for the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Deans for Impact.

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