Sports have a tremendous influence on the school environment
By Todd Stanley
Conversely, you will not find as large a trophy case for academic accomplishments. Nor are there posters and pep rallies encouraging the improvement of academic achievement. Rarely is there announcement espousing a high ACT score, or is the press clamoring over doing a story on the student who gets into a prestigious Ivy League school.
When schools were first created in the United States, it was based on the idea that all children needed to be educated. They were taught skills that were thought to be needed such as reading, being able to compute math problems, and become better citizens. Academics was the primary focus of schools as that is why they were created. But something has changed. Schools certainly still care about academics. They still want children to possess skills that will enable them to survive in the world after leaving school. Schools hire teachers with the understanding that they will teach our children in the area of academics. But it seems school and the community care a whole lot more about athletics.
Other countries, many which are scoring much higher than the United States in international testing, do not have school sports. Sports are run through clubs or through the city athletic association. Schools are left to focus on what schools were created for in the first place, to educate children.
Research has shown that high school students would benefit from having a later starting time. They would get more sleep which would translate into them paying attention more and being more alert to the lesson at hand. Of course, the impediment to this ever happening is the fact that it would run into sports which take place in the late afternoon. You could not have a school starting at 10 AM and getting out at 5 PM. There would be no time to get teams to away competitions.
I would say this tipping point has occurred. You see it all the time when a district puts all its efforts toward building a new football stadium when the schools could use a paint job themselves. You see it when a parent calls the school and requests their child be held back a grade because then their child would be bigger than the other kids on the sports field. You see it in families who move to certain areas not because the school has proven itself to be a great place for students to learn, but rather because they offer a chance to excel in sports. Why is this?
Not only that, it allows a student who maybe was not the strongest academically to have opportunities through professional sports. Although the chances are slim becoming a professional athlete, that carrot drives a lot of children and parents. Lebron James is a very intelligent and hard-working individual. Without basketball though would he have been as much a success or even a little bit? Would Tom Brady have been a successful adult using only his Bachelor’s Degree in General Studies instead of leading the New England Patriots to several Super Bowls?
Keep in mind, this does not come from someone who is anti-sports and resents them. My daughter plays high school sports and I was a coach for schools for over 15 years. All I am saying is maybe we need to put the responsibility of sports onto some
What if that trophy case in the front of the school contained the best AP scores or displayed artwork by gifted artists? What if the banners hanging around the school trumpeted the accomplishment of the Destination Imagination team? What if the school announcements bragged about highest scoring students in each class instead of the highest scoring player on the basketball team?
Of course, for schools to abandon sports, all school districts collectively would have to make this decision. Otherwise, people would simply move to another district where their child could play sports. Until something drastic changes, I think I will have to watch as our school systems more and more shift their focus toward sports.
Further Reading
- The Rhode Show – Teaching children sportsmanship
- The Journal – Anti-bullying program kicks off at park
- The News Courier – Brennan’s touchdown shows how important sports can be