Lori Jackson and Steve Peck provide steps on how to stay positive and manage emotions during times of uncertainty.
Connections Model
Connections Model
Lori Jackson and Steve Peck are co-founders of The Connections Model, an SEL and education technology company whose KidConnect Classroom App helps students develop emotional regulation, the necessary foundation for all learning. Lori is an educational psychologist who has been working with students and their families for more than 15 years. She believes that all children have the capacity to succeed in school and the right to a quality education. Steve is a special educator with over 15 years of experience working with students who have multiple and severe disabilities. He believes that new technology is key to helping students overcome their functional skill deficits in the classroom. Steve has always been both a teacher and a techie at heart and has had great success using technology to augment and enhance learning and communication in the classroom. He has created several innovative special education programs in public schools that allow students to remain in district at their neighborhood schools and succeed in those classrooms rather than having to face the disruption of a school change.
Lori Jackson provides key points to help families survive the emotional wheel.
Lori Jackson shares eight tips for parents trying to do it all.
Connecting with KidsCovid-19Hybrid and Remote Learning
Connecting with Kids: Emotions in the Era of COVID-19
61 views 3 minutes readDuring times of uncertainty and especially times that are out of our control, what we can control is critical.
Connecting with Kids
Connecting with Kids: Making Learners, Not Assumptions
138 views 3 minutes readLori Jackson and Steve Peck acknowledge the importance of “functional skills” in learning.
Connecting with Kids
Connecting with Kids: Step Back, Look Around, and Lean In
63 views 3 minutes readIt’s always important for a teacher to step back during this time of the year and take stock of what has been achieved in the first few months of school.