It’s important to know as much as possible about what and how students learn on a continual basis
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Barbara R. Blackburn, Ph.D., a Top 30 Global Guru, is a best-selling author of 30 books, including the bestseller Rigor is NOT a Four-Letter Word, Rigor for Students with Special Needs, Seven Strategies for School Improvement and the Rigor in the Remote Classroom. An internationally recognized expert in the areas of rigor, motivation and leadership, she regularly collaborates with schools and districts for on-site and online professional development. Barbara can be reached through her website:
It’s important to know as much as possible about what and how students learn on a continual basis
Media for School Leaders includes knowing what is newsworthy about school activities helps maximize media coverage.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS program) is designed to impact students at multiple levels, from core content to secondary and intensive interventions.
Rigor is a hot topic in education, and increasing rigor is important so that students can reach their potential. 6 Technology Ideas to Increase Rigor.
4 steps for Education Change – Improving your school must be built on a solid base of research and best practice, building support among teachers & families.
Writing is an important skill & a key aspect of instruction. Use writing to enhance learning, it’s tough to encourage students to write creatively.
Copyright © 2014-2024, edCircuit Media – emPowering the Voices of Education.
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