In Todd Stanley’s latest article, he discusses the death of Social Studies; if we wanted it to survive, we should have fought for it.
Todd Stanley
EducatorsK-12 TeachersColumnistsTodd Stanley
How to spot a gifted child
by Todd Stanley6 minutes readIdentifying the gifted students and providing support
EducatorsK-12 TeachersColumnistsTodd StanleyDiversity, Equity, Inclusion
Are Gifted Programs Elitist?
by Todd Stanley7 minutes readGifted programs are as elitist as we allow them to be.
Todd StanleyDiversity, Equity, InclusionEducatorsK-12 Teachers
The Lay Of The Gifted Funding Land
by Todd Stanley6 minutes readGifted funding across the nation is like the wild west. There is no law or controlling entity, so many states and districts decide what they will or won’t do.