As part of a virtual STEM summer camp, Numerade will be offering the following courses in SAT Test Prep, Calculus, Chemistry, and Physics.
Copyright © 2014-2024, edCircuit Media – emPowering the Voices of Education.
As part of a virtual STEM summer camp, Numerade will be offering the following courses in SAT Test Prep, Calculus, Chemistry, and Physics.
Lori Jackson provides key points to help families survive the emotional wheel.
Why we need Education Reform-The COVID-19 pandemic is literally education’s wake up call to make a change. This article explores some suggested reforms.
Jethro Jones Announces Launch of New Tool to Connect High Schools with Virtual Commencement Speakers
One of the biggest obstacles to successfully educating students during this trial and error period of virtual learning is the AWOL student.
In this episode of the CoSN Podcast, we talk with Caroline Rinker, Rod Houpe, and Michael Flood about vendor perspectives during COVID-19.
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