Barbara Blackburn, Ph.D., reflects on her time as a teacher and how she handled chronic absenteeism with struggling students.
Copyright © 2014-2024, edCircuit Media – emPowering the Voices of Education. Â
Barbara Blackburn, Ph.D., reflects on her time as a teacher and how she handled chronic absenteeism with struggling students.
During times of uncertainty and especially times that are out of our control, what we can control is critical.
Warm-up games that not only build creativity but also teach students how to use remote learning platforms and develop good habits.
Rob and Jennifer Waldron are committed professionally and personally to supporting educational success and equity for students nationwide.
Suzy Peppers Rollins discuss how Covid-19 presents a real-world opportunity for students to step up, engage in critical thinking, and make a change.
In this episode of the CoSN Podcast, we hear from Amy McLaughlin and Tom Ashley as they discuss various cybersecurity considerations during COVID-19.
Copyright © 2014-2024, edCircuit Media – emPowering the Voices of Education. Â
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