Coinciding with National Reading Month, the Fluency for All movement is kicking off to address a critical need in education today: improving reading literacy, especially for adolescent students in Grades 3-8. Spearheaded by Foundations in Learning, creator of WordFlight™, the movement empowers educators by providing research-based strategies and free, academically-validated resources to transform all students into confident, fluent readers.
“With NAEP scores revealing that only 31 percent of 4th grade students are performing at or above proficiency levels on reading assessments, the time is now to collectively enact change,” said Allison Zimmermann, CEO of Foundations in Learning. “Fluency for All brings together best practices and resources from researchers, authors, and cognitive scientists on closing the literacy gap and supporting reading instruction in today’s classrooms—both of which are necessary in order to reverse the current literacy trends and truly get all students on the path to reading fluency.”
On the Fluency for All website, educators can participate in the Fluency Challenge to measure their fluency knowledge and learn how to help all students achieve foundational reading skills. As part of the challenge, educators take a quiz related to the science of learning and science of reading and then receive ongoing research-based resources, including free access to a student screening tool, to support their instruction.
All educators who complete the Fluency Challenge will additionally receive a Fluency Champion certificate and materials to celebrate their commitment to reading fluency.
“In addition to providing easy-to-implement fluency resources, we hope that Fluency for All will serve as a community hub to help committed, like-minded educators tackle literacy together,” added Zimmermann. “We look forward to adding to these resources, partnering with more industry thought leaders, and continuing to support educators as this movement grows.”
To learn more about the Fluency for All movement and to take the Fluency Challenge, visit
About Foundations in Learning
Foundations in Learning is a provider of scientifically-based, empirically-derived instructional solutions for elementary and middle school age students. The company’s researchers and program developers have decades of experience in creating, testing, and providing schools with effective programs to meet the individual needs of their students. Foundations in Learning’s digitally-delivered, research-based solutions use technology to provide access to learning models that are effective for the development, application and generalization of reading and mathematics skills.
About WordFlight™
WordFlight™ is the first patented literacy assessment and intervention for grades 3-8 that bridges the gap between phonics and fluency. Created by researchers and program developers with decades of experience in providing schools with effective programs to meet the individual needs of students, the online program is a proven and research-based solution that blends the best of the science of reading and the science of learning to help develop fluent readers. WordFlight is a registered trademark of Foundations in Learning, a learning company based in Coralville, Iowa. To learn more, visit
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