Part II: Digital Citizenship Needs to be a Verb
by Dr. Berger
3 minutes readI f you asked ten people to define digital citizenship, you would most likely receive ten different responses. Why? It’s complicated, and the terms “digital” and “citizenship” are broad. Furthermore, our digital lives are constantly evolving with upgrades and new ways to consume and produce electronic Marialice B.F.X. CurranIn the most simplistic terms, I …
Expanding Learning Beyond the Bell
by Dr. Berger
2 minutes readJaime Singer spent time with us exploring the state of afterschool offerings, how parents can evaluate their own school and ways to get involved. Singer is the co-author of the book, Beyond the Bell: A Toolkit for Creating High-Quality Afterschool and Expanded Learning Programs (4th Ed.).Interviewee Jaime S. Singer is a senior technical assistance consultant …
Can We Design the Perfect School?
by EdCircuit Staff
9 minutes readby Megan A. Fagge and Robert A. Just Children are impressionable and the experiences they have while in school will have a profound impact on their lives. Compelling school design can inspire children and their awareness of the built environment.
Can Project Based Learning Move the Education Needle?
by EdCircuit Staff
1 minutes readJohn Larmer, Editor in Chief at the Buck Institute for Education (BIE), spent time with Dr. Berger at the annual ASCD conference in Atlanta. Larmer discusses the place Project Based Learning (PBL) has in 21st century learning. We also learn how districts approach teaching and learning from a PBL perspective. Larmer shares his advice for young …
Audio: National Writing Project: Promoting Scholarship In The Digital Age
by Mind Rocket Media Group
12 minutes readElyse Eidman-Aadahl, Executive Director of the National Writing Project (NWP), discusses the importance of writing skills for our schools and learning centers. Eidman-Aadahl shares a detailed explanation of the National Writing Project while intelligently exploring the future of writing in our increasingly saturated internet world.
Shifting the Paradigm of the Classroom to Respond to the Demands of a Global World
by Dr. Berger
6 minutes readAs school systems become more globally competent and teachers become more knowledgeable and gain comfort with infusing global competence into the classrooms, students are expected to expand their knowledge incrementally as well.