Home Videos Understanding the Brain Helps Teachers Educate Students

Understanding the Brain Helps Teachers Educate Students

In this episode, Marcus Conyers and Dr. Donna Wilson discuss how we explain the brain in such a way that allows teachers to be more effective.
1 minutes read
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How do we explain the brain in such a way that allows teachers to be even more effective?


Dr. Donna Wilson is a psychologist, author, university faculty, and former teacher. She is a pioneer in applying implications of research from the transdisciplinary field of mind, brain, and education to practice for preservice and in-service teachers and educational leaders.

Marcus Conyers is a university curriculum developer and researcher with a focus on practical applications of mind, brain, and education science.

Both Conyers and Wilson say that when a teacher positively believes that the students in a classroom will be successful, the students will believe it. The result? Higher performance now and for the lifetime of the learners.

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  • Dr. Donna Wilson is a psychologist, author, university faculty, and former teacher. She is a pioneer in applying implications of research from the transdisciplinary field of mind, brain, and education to practice for preservice and in-service teachers and educational leaders.

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  • Marcus Conyers, is a research supervisor for the PhD in Professional Practice: Psychological Perspectives at the Salomons Institute for Applied Psychology with Canterbury Christ Church University and the lead developer of the BrainSMART® and Innovating Minds® programs for improving cognitive performance and creative-thinking skills.

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