Home On the Wire SMPTE and the IMF User Group Have Joined Forces

SMPTE and the IMF User Group Have Joined Forces

SMPTE®, the home of media professionals, technologists, and engineers, has joined forces with the Interoperable Master Format (IMF) User Group (UG).
3 minutes read

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — Feb 26, 2024 — SMPTE®, the home of media professionals, technologists, and engineers, has joined forces with the Interoperable Master Format (IMF) User Group (UG), a worldwide forum for end-users and implementors of the IMF family of SMPTE Standards.

The IMF User Group was launched in 2016 under the auspices of the Hollywood Professional Association (HPA). HPA Executive Director Phil Kubel notes, “HPA is proud to have been the home of the IMF UG and its important work for the past 9 years. As they take this next natural step, we look forward to seeing the exciting work ahead for the group and our colleagues at SMPTE.”

“We are honored to become the home for the IMF User Group and thankful to our colleagues at HPA for all they’ve done to administer the user group to this point,” said SMPTE Executive Director David Grindle. “Community organizations, like IMF UG, are vital to keeping our standards updated with the feedback from those using the systems.”

IMF is a family of SMPTE Standards (SMPTE ST 2067) that simplifies the storage of all the audio-visual content needed to create different versions for distribution to multiple territories and platforms in one package. The IMF package itself can be used for B2B content exchange between content owners, post facilities, and distribution platforms. IMF is an essential component of modern, high-scale content fulfillment and has enabled the building of simplified delivery and processing systems for versioning. IMF played a critical role in the transition from tape-based to file-based workflows in television and streaming. It is now the preferred UHD media delivery format for multiple content providers.

The IMF UG brings together content owners, service providers, retailers, and equipment/software vendors to promote the use of IMF. The group hosts member meetings, organizes public events including workshops and plugfests, and publishes best practices. Members have the opportunity to contribute to the long-term roadmap of IMF.

“IMF is a true example of how a standard was developed in one organization, deployed into the industry and then gathered a community of users via the HPA and now SMPTE,” said SMPTE President Renard T. Jenkins. “As a longtime member of the UG and SMPTE, I am excited that the user group and the standards community are coming together to continue its growth and further its development.”

For more information, or to join the IMF User Group, visit www.imfug.com. Further information about SMPTE is online at smpte.org.

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About SMPTE®

SMPTE is the global society of media professionals, technologists, and engineers working in the digital entertainment industry. The Society fosters a diverse and engaged membership from both the technology and creative communities, delivering vast educational offerings, technical conferences, and exhibitions, the SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, and access to a rich network of colleagues essential to their career success. As an internationally recognized standards organization, SMPTE also provides a vital technical framework of engineering standards and guidelines that allow the seamless creation, management, and delivery of media for art, entertainment, and education worldwide.

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