Personalized learning, either as an aspiration or a practice, is an approach that’s as old as the hills.
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When planning to deliver PD, it’s critical to meet the teachers where they are.
Teachers talk about how they want to work there because of the way Rafael Olavide creates a family atmosphere for his people.
In the past, school dances like homecoming and prom served as a place for social interaction.
Suicide is now the second-leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds, according to the CDC.
Effective assessment means that students understand the learning intentions and how their learning will be appraised.
There is significant overlap in the cognitive skills needed for reading and math.
Clips from Hollywood movies can reinforce topics, spark discussion, and promote new perspectives.
70% of high school teachers assign homework that requires online connectivity.
Much of the vocabulary in science is unfamiliar as most people do not encounter it in their day-to-day life.
Twitter might be the strongest professional development tool available to teachers and districts.
A panel discussion about game-based learning and how to make it work.
Multitasking all happens so much faster with the digital generations.
Learning different tech skills was challenging for students who had to learn many different technologies.
Sprint will provide more than 700 devices and free wireless service to OCPS students affected by Hurricane Maria.