Leilani Cauthen examines outdated school system models reluctant to tech advancements and unnecessarily fearful of teacher replacement.
Leilani Cauthen
LeiLani Cauthen is well-versed in the digital learning object universe, software development, the adoption process, school curriculum, and technology coverage models. She is helping define this century’s real change in teaching and learning. Nearly every week, Cauthen is on the road meeting school superintendents and their staff, sharing national research, and helping to ease the burden of the digital transition in education.
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Hybrid is the new word for schools that deliver live teaching for remote students via online connection, on-campus, or both and many schools are working toward transforming.
The three Federal stimulus bills already passed are seriously spiking the available monies for schools going into the rest of 2021 and indefinitely into the future.
Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition (SAMR) is a model to help describe, inform and lead a process of change. But does SAMR continue to describe the depth and breadth of change needed in pedagogy?
U.S. K-12 school spending on hardware and major software systems is expected to increase by $400 million or more, going from $22.7 billion to $23.1 billion in annual expenditures.
With the addition of the pandemic, there’s an urgency for virtual and digital learning solutions and the need to unlock barriers.
It’s almost Fall, and the clock is ticking. Time and space swirl all around us, and confusion is rampant School Scheduling Options and the Space-Time Continuum
History has trend cycles, and understanding them can help to determine the inevitable direction things will go in education.
Courage is the confidence to reach out, rushing toward whatever needs to be attacked and overcome, accompanied by an assumption of success.
Signs are pointing to schools coming into a new age of not just complete technology immersion, but an artisan age of human-interface teaching, using our humanity with perfection at exact points and needs.
A questionnaire that can quickly analyze the direction schools and districts can go in if they have to shut down.
Schools, Districts, and companies selling to them have questions and forebodings. There are two lines of thought for what’s going to happen with K12 education?
Except for cases of rapid population growth or regional migration, traditional public schools are witnessing a phenomenon unseen in our lifetimes.
Can public education survive? – Without a doubt. Will public education change? The answer is yes, and it is making long strides even now.
New data from a 2019 Survey indicates that 58 percent of schools now rate their highest pressure as their student’s social and emotional needs.