Charter schools impact American education by providing innovative options for parents, but funding disparities with public schools raise equity concerns.
As the student loan forgiveness debate continues, it is crucial to consider this policy’s economic, social, and legal implications.
There has been much debate surrounding the death of the Department of Education. As educators, parents, and students, we need to understand the implications.
FederalHot Topics - controversialLegislationDiversity, Equity, InclusionEducators
The Merit vs. Diversity Admissions Debate
4 minutes readAs the Admissions Debate between merit and diversity continues to evolve, it is essential to find a balance that ensures academic excellence and social justice.
edLeadersHot Topics - controversialEducatorsK-12 Teachers
Saying ‘No’ to Cell Phones in the Classroom, School-Wide Bans
7 minutes readCell phones have become an integral part of our daily lives, and it’s no surprise that they have also made their way into the classroom.
Hot Topics - controversialLegislationDiversity, Equity, InclusionedLeaders
The Case for Dismantling DEI Offices in Education: A Call...
4 minutes readThe case for dismantling DEI offices in education is a call for action. It is time to move away from ineffective and divisive approaches and towards solutions.
Leveraging Technology to Provide Equitable Learning Experiences
4 minutes readK-12 Instructional Coach Ashley Bushell discusses how advancements in edtech are introducing innovative tools to address the “enrichment gap.”
K-12 TeachersAdministratorsStudentsParentsScience SafetyEducators
The Importance of Safety Training in Educational Institutions
4 minutes readThe lack of proper safety measures and training has led to many accidents in schools, causing serious injuries and resulting in expensive legal cases.
edLeadersAdministratorsDiscovery EducationArtificial Intelligence
Key Questions for District Leaders When Considering the Use of...
by Pete Weir6 minutes readPete Weir discusses six important factors each school leader should ask before adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) resources in the classroom.