Sustaining student engagement through phenomena-based and digital learning
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Opening up the classroom brings needed vitality and challenges students to become lifelong learners
Special needs students can live up to high expectations if the instruction is accompanied by appropriate support strategies.
EducatorsK-12 Teachers
Becoming a Teacher and a Leader In Today’s Classroom
by Ian Egan5 minutes readEducators taking a more active role in improving school learning
EducatorsProfessional DevelopmentBarbara Blackburn
Effective Professional Development in Schools: What Works?
4 minutes readEffective Professional Development to improve your school. Plan your efforts, design accountability, and follow up on your plan.
Leadership Principles That Can Make a Profound Impact on Students
by Dr. Berger5 minutes readStudents reaching full potential through strong school leadership and engagement
Purposeful collaboration for better student achievement
CommunityCollege ProfessorsAdvocatesEducators
Managing Higher Education Disruption through Planning
5 minutes readHigher education institutions must be prepared to provide high-quality education regardless of emerging trends and challenges.
School ModelsAdministratorsVideosedLeadersEducators
CoffeEd: Teaching Students To Stand Up To The Mic
by Dr. Berger4 minutes readPublic speaking and teachers first a superintendent’s motto