President Trump has issued orders to transform U.S. education, promoting school choice, altering funding, and combating antisemitism in schools.
ed Leaders presents leadership, strategy, culture, news, insights and guidance for today’s K-20 education leaders and administrators, (edLeaders).
President Trump has issued orders to transform U.S. education, promoting school choice, altering funding, and combating antisemitism in schools.
New York’s decision to ban cell phones in K-12 classrooms has reignited the debate over the role of technology in education.
Charter schools impact American education by providing innovative options for parents, but funding disparities with public schools raise equity concerns.
As the student loan forgiveness debate continues, it is crucial to consider this policy’s economic, social, and legal implications.
There has been much debate surrounding the death of the Department of Education. As educators, parents, and students, we need to understand the implications.
As the Admissions Debate between merit and diversity continues to evolve, it is essential to find a balance that ensures academic excellence and social justice.
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