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Educational Leadership in a 1099 World

Dr. Randy Ziegenfuss continues our focus on leading Superintendents around the country. Ziegenfuss discusses his leadership role in a world where more students are entering a workforce structured around 1099's as opposed to previous generations that worked with less autonomy. He talks about how to support schools and students in this environment and explores ways to improve content delivery mechanisms to meet today's students. 
1 minutes read

Dr. Randy Ziegenfuss continues our focus on leading Superintendents around the country. Ziegenfuss discusses his leadership role in a world where more students are entering a workforce structured around 1099’s as opposed to previous generations that worked with less autonomy. He talks about how to support schools and students in this environment and explores ways to improve content delivery mechanisms to meet today’s students. 

Dr. Ziegenfuss currently serves as Superintendent in the Salisbury Township School District. Prior to his current position, Ziegenfuss, was a classroom teacher, Department Chair, Technology Integration Specialist, Director of Technology and Assistant Superintendent. Ziegenfuss,  is also a Clinical Adjunct Professor of Education at Moravian College, teaching courses in inquiry, assessment and technology in the undergraduate, graduate and principal certification programs. 

He graduated from Moravian College with a B.Mus. degree, earned his M.A. from Teachers College, Columbia University in technology leadership, and an Ed.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in educational and organizational leadership. In 2014, the Pennsylvania School Librarians Association (PSLA) recognized Ziegenfuss, as the Outstanding District Administrator for the state of Pennsylvania. In 2015, Ziegenfuss, was recognized by the Pennsylvania Association for Educational Communications and Technology (PAECT) as the Outstanding Leader of the Year.

Follow Ziegenfuss, on Twitter @ziegeran, check out his new e-book 3 Key Principles of Digital Transformation (to the right), read his blog WorkingAtTheEdge.org and listen to the podcast co-hosted with @lfuinihetten at TLTalkRadio.org.

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  • Dr. Berger is one of many contributors to edCircuit. As an academic, Dr. Berger is a former assistant principal, and he is currently a managing partner at Reignlight and hosts a unique podcast, Headroom. He is a passionate Detroit sports fan who has also adopted Nashville sports teams as his own.

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