Home Educators FETC Presenter Preview: Tom Murray – Innovation for Future Ready Schools

FETC Presenter Preview: Tom Murray – Innovation for Future Ready Schools

Preparing students for an uncertain but complicated tomorrow
5 minutes read

Getting to know the presenters at FETC 19″. As FETC 2019 approaches, we ’re continuing to highlight a series of interviews designed to introduce you to conference presenters. Next up in the series is Tom Murray, Director of Innovation for Future Ready Schools. Tom works tirelessly to change the education narrative and show political decision makers that teaching and learning should concentrate on authentic, personal learning experiences for kids. He believes the future of our society truly depends on education that prepares our students for an uncertain but complicated tomorrow. To create success, Tom advocates for greater partnerships with businesses and industry. As Tom reiterates, “We just need to make sure that we do so in an ethical way where student privacy is paramount so that all of us can win collaboratively for our economy and our nation moving forward.” Join us as we revisit Tom’s interview with Dr. Berger and read below to get a preview of the sessions he will be presenting at FETC 2019 in Orlando. Tom Murray’s Sessions at FETC 2019: Session C007 | Creating Future Ready Schools and Classrooms

  • Room: SOUTH 310EF
  • Tuesday, January 29, 2019: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Description When we analyze the US education system and classrooms across our nation, we see dramatic differences and gaps in innovation. How can schools and classrooms transform from those from the industrial era where desks are in rows, students are facing forward, and have teachers always front and center to ones that are learner-centered, personalized, and leverage the power of technology? What are the areas that need to shift? Districts and schools across the nation are transforming into ones that are Future Ready, transforming teaching and learning throughout their district. This session will inspire school leaders and provide free tools and resources to empower them to better prepare students for the world they face tomorrow. Session C266 | Learning Transformed: 8 Keys to Designing Tomorrow’s Schools, Today

  • Room: SOUTH 310EF
  • Wednesday, January 30, 2019: 1:00 PM – 1:40 PM

Description With the vast disparities of inequity that have existed for centuries, all that is known about how students learn, and the predictions regarding the world that our students will face tomorrow, utilizing a traditional, one-size-fits-all approach to teaching and learning is educational malpractice. Built upon the foundation of leadership and school culture, a redesigned learning experience fundamentally shifts the teaching and learning paradigm to one that is personal, while altering the use of authentic assessments, how technology is leveraged, the spaces in which the learning occurs, the way educators grow professionally, how schools collaborate with the community, and ultimately, the sustainability of the system as a whole. Session C079 | We Went 1:1. Now What?

  • Room: SOUTH 310BC
  • Tuesday, January 29, 2019: 1:00 PM – 1:40 PM

Description Districts around the nation continue to purchase more technology than ever before. In some places, the technology is an incredible tool to amplify student agency and used for high-level learning experiences. In others, the digital drill-and-kill reigns supreme, having little to no impact on student outcomes. As a school leader, your impact and leadership in this area sets the tone and ultimately lays the foundation for your students’ success. With a clear focus of instructional leadership, participants will dive into the effective of use of technology and their role in leveraging the supervision process to support growth in student learning outcomes. Session C159 | Leading With Purpose

  • Room: SOUTH 319
  • Tuesday, January 29, 2019: 3:00 PM – 3:40 PM

Description What separates “leaders” from those who lead? As a school leader, are you walking in and towards your purpose? This session will help leaders explore their own personal WHY, connect their passion to their work, balance leadership with management and empower those around them to rise up and lead. To effectively lead sustained change in your school or district, leadership and school culture lay the foundation for success. Participants will take part in a handful of culture-building activities that they can bring back to those they serve to impact their schools and classrooms. Today’s modern learners need bold leaders who model the way and you are part of the solution. Meet the Author

  • Room: Booth 3313
  • Tuesday, January 29, 2019: 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

Description Meet Tom Murray, author of Learning Transformed. Meet Tisha Richmond, author of Make Learning Magical. Meet Mandy Froehlick, author of The Fire Within and Divergent EDU.Meet Leslie Fisher, Rocketbooks FETC is hosting a “Meet the Authors” Booth in the Expo hall at the Orange County Convention Center. Come meet authors of best-selling education technology books, take selfies, ask questions, get your books signed, purchase books and discuss hot topics. FETC registered logoFETC registration 2019


Tom Murray serves as the Director of Innovation for Future Ready Schools, a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education. He has testified before the US Congress and works alongside that body and the US Senate, the White House, and the US Department of Education.

Murray serves as a conference keynote, was named one of “20 to Watch” by NSBA, the “Education Policy Person of the Year” by the Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2015, and the “Education Thought Leader of the Year” in 2017. His ASCD book, Learning Transformed, is a best seller and was released in 2017.

View Tom’s full HuffPost interview Changing the Narrative Using Educational Success Stories

Hear more from Tom Murray and other innovative analysts, thought leaders, and educators at the 2019 Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC), January 27-30 in Orlando, Florida. Learn more here.

Further Reading

  1. FETC Blog –  Big Things You’ll Experience at FETC 2019
  2. edCircuit – Meet Your Favorite EdTech Authors at FETC 2019 (Part 2)
  3. Getting Smart – 26 Can’t-Miss Education Conferences for 2019

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