Home Hidden InformED Report: Free College in San Francisco?

InformED Report: Free College in San Francisco?

30,000 students benefiting from property tax funds
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02/07/2017 | San Francisco, CA | KCRA

San Francisco offers free higher education for residents


The city guarantees nearly $5.4 million a year to San Francisco City College to pay for residents’ tuition beginning this fall. In order to qualify as a resident, students must have lived in the city for at least a year and a day. There are no income requirements. People can register as either full-time or part-time students.

The money to pay for tuition will come from an increase in real estate transfer tax for commercial and residential properties valued at more than $5 million. About 30,000 students are expected to benefit from the funds.

To read more visit KCRA

San Francisco will be the first in nation to make city college free

Lyanne Melendez | ABC 7 | Twitter

It’s a historic first for higher education in San Francisco. Mayor Ed Lee announced on Monday that the city will be the first in the nation to make City College free for all students, regardless of their income. Those who sell their homes valued at $5 million and up will have to pay more. But think of it this way — people send their children to public schools and don’t pay tuition. City Hall is arguing that community college students shouldn’t have to either.

To read more visit ABC 7  

02/02/2017 | Ireland | The Pie News

Ireland extends ‘stay back option’ for postgraduates

Julian Hall | The Pie News | Twitter

In a move that will undoubtedly shore up Ireland’s positioning in the international education market and make the country more attractive to overseas students, the Irish government has agreed to allow international postgraduates to stay two years after finishing their degree. The policy extends the Third Level Graduate Scheme for non-EU/EEA residents studying in the country to remain in Ireland to seek employment and apply for a Green Card or Work Permit after two years.

To read more visit The Pie News

Extension of ‘stay back option’ for international postgraduate students in Ireland

Chloe Maguire Sedqwick | The University Observer | Twitter

The Irish government has agreed to a policy which now allows international postgraduates to stay in the country for up to two years after finishing their degree. The policy extends the Third Level Graduate Scheme to non-EU/EEA residents who have studied in Ireland to be eligible to legally work for 40 hours per week. As well as that, after two years they may apply for a Green Card or a work permit.

This policy increases the ‘stay back option’ for students at level 9 or 10 of the Irish National Framework of Qualifications from the previous 12 months now up to 24 months. It is now valid for any international student who is studying for a master’s degree, postgraduate diploma, doctoral degree, or higher doctorate.

To read more visit The University Observer  

01/08/2017| Brisbane, Australia | The Courier-Mail

The amazing sisters behind Queensland’s Zephyr Education charity

Kathleen Noonan | The Courier-Mail | Twitter

It’s like Imelda Marcos meets Disney’s The Sorcerer’s Apprentice with the ever-multiplying broomsticks. They just keep marching in the door. They head out just as quickly to all over Queensland, up to Cairns or to a suburb just around the corner. Who is wearing them all? The young boy is starting at a new school the next day.

The email about him arrives at 4.30pm, so a pair of shoes, complete uniform and school equipment are packed and Isabella delivers it at 6.30pm. It is an efficient operation that well-resourced government departments and online shopping giants could only dream about. “It took nothing for me to drop it around to the shelter. And why not? He was little. Just grade two and starting at a new school after everything he’s been through. Imagine what that feels like?’’

To read more visit The Courier-Mail

  1. Courthouse News Service – Free College? Tax Millionaires, California Lawmaker Says
  2. Dublin City University – Research Reveals Intentions of Third-Level Students in Ireland
  3. Pro Bono Australia – Australian Charities Merge to Help Vulnerable Children

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