Home Around the Web Edu News: New York State Schools Won’t Be Penalized for Opt Outs

Edu News: New York State Schools Won’t Be Penalized for Opt Outs

Photo Credit: dcJohnby Grace SmithThere will be no penalty for New York state school districts that had large numbers of students who refused to sit for the New York standardized tests this year.Education officials made the announcement to put to rest the uncertainty over how districts would respond to the anti-testing movement. Kate Taylor of The New York Times reports that state and federal officials had warned for months that districts that fell below the 95% participation rate might stand to lose federal funds. Leaders of the “opt-out movement” argued that these were nothing but empty threats.Read the rest of the story at Education News.
1 minutes read

Photo Credit: dcJohn

by Grace Smith

There will be no penalty for New York state school districts that had large numbers of students who refused to sit for the New York standardized tests this year.

Education officials made the announcement to put to rest the uncertainty over how districts would respond to the anti-testing movement. Kate Taylor of The New York Times reports that state and federal officials had warned for months that districts that fell below the 95% participation rate might stand to lose federal funds. Leaders of the “opt-out movement” argued that these were nothing but empty threats.

Read the rest of the story at Education News.

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