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How Would da Vinci Fare in a Common Core World?

an op-ed on the Common Core State Standards, The Real "Common Core" of Teaching, that garnered a lot of attention on LinkedIn. Here is the reaction of educator Ken Turner: 
1 minutes read

On Tuesday, David Greene wrote an op-ed on the Common Core State Standards, The Real “Common Core” of Teaching, that garnered a lot of attention on LinkedIn. Here is the reaction of educator Ken Turner:


Great article! There is a fundamental and perhaps shocking truth inherent in a discussion of this sort. That truth is that when you consider the intelligence, creativity and the ability to organize and construct compelling ideas that engage students that is common to teachers, we are struck by how badly this great potential for effective learning has been mismanaged by systems more concerned by enforcing conformity to an assembly line model of education that tries to make students fit the same mold. The common core is just another attempt to prop up this mindset. What would a Leonardo da Vinci or a Michelangelo have said if they were subjected to such systems?

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  • David Greene is a former Social Studies teacher and coach. He is also a program consultant for an organization that helps high schools create and run experiential learning programs for seniors. In addition, he is the author of "Doing the Right Thing: A Teacher Speaks,” is the former Treasurer of Save Our Schools and an active blogger and speaker. His blogs have appeared in Diane Ravitch’s website, EdCircuit, Education Weekly, US News and World Report, and the Washington Post. David writes opinon pieces for EdCircuit. - The opinions he expresses here are solely his own.

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