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John Tomsett and Mary Myatt on Curriculum Conversations

John Tomsett and Mary Myatt join Mind the Gap to discuss their new co-authored book, Huh: Curriculum conversations between subject and senior leaders.
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Acclaimed educators, authors and advisers John Tomsett and Mary Myatt join Mind the Gap to discuss their new co-authored book, Huh: Curriculum conversations between subject and senior leaders.

With hosts Tom Sherrington and Emma Turner, Tomsett and Myatt talk about the conversations that need to take place in schools regarding the rationale behind the #curriculum, what they are intending to achieve with it, how well it is planned and enacted in classrooms and how they know whether it’s successful. They also discuss a variety of other critical #education and #teaching topics.

Subscribe to Mind the Gap with Tom & Emma on YouTube to view all video episodes: https://www.youtube.com/c/MindtheGapwithTomEmmaΒ 

To listen to the audio version, subscribe here on your preferred podcast app: https://anchor.fm/mindthegap-edu

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