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Learning To Be Fearless With Digit Murphy

Meghan Keates | Greater New York
2 minutes read

Meghan Keates | Greater New York

The road to success can often pose many challenges for young women. There have been times in my life when I’ve been discouraged or treated differently because of my gender. My decision to attend a women’s college was a smart one and left me feeling confident and ready to tackle the world. But this is not the case for everyone. Thankfully, we live in a time when prominent female figures are working hard to empower women to no longer keep their heads down in silence, but to make their voices heard and reach their full potential.

Enter Digit Murphy.

I’ve recently come across a new series sponsored by American ED TV entitled “Fearless” – and I’m hooked. In these episodes, Murphy interviews female leaders in sports, focusing particularly on gender issues – the major emphasis being the shortcomings of Title IX. For those who are unfamiliar with this law, Title IX was enacted in 1972 to ensure that all participants in educational programs or activities that receive federal funding are protected from discrimination based on their sex or gender.

Murphy interviews many women that have experienced some form of unjust treatment over the course of their careers simply because they are women. For example, one female coach shared her story of experiencing gender bias when volunteering for her daughter’s athletic team. As a long time coach, she expected to be assigned the lead position. Instead, the organization appointed another player’s father, who had no coaching experience. The team of young girls witnessed a qualified woman in a supportive role, with an unqualified male as the leader.

Digit mentions more than once that her show is not intended for “man-bashing.” It’s meant to be a safe space that encourages women to openly discuss their frustrations and work together to find solutions.

Whether she’s interviewing a 73-year-old rower or a student ambassador for anti-homophobia organization Athlete Ally, I’m certain you’ll find Murphy’s interviews to be inspiring. Her positive and high-energy show will leave you motivated, not only to pave a better path for female youth but also to defy gender bias and pursue the leadership positions you deserve.

Remember: stay fearless

Experience Digit Murphy’s series today! Click below:

Digit Interviews Gretchen Bloom in Episode 9

Digit Interviews Kate Leavell in Episode 8

Digit Interviews Tyler Tvedt in Episode 7


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