In this episode, we hear from Ryan Bani Tahmaseb, author of The 21st Century School Library: A Model for Innovative Teaching & Learning, published by John Catt Educational. Ryan is a first-time book author, but is an experienced writer and, in his role as Director of Library Services at the Meadowbrook School in Weston, Massachusetts, is no stranger to books of all kinds.
The 21st Century School Library is written with the teacher and administrator in mind, illustrating and explaining the varied resources librarians provide to learning environments. Even inside schools, educators aren’t always aware of the many valuable ways they can receive support from their librarians and media specialists. Tahmaseb looks to close this gap by defining the ways in which the modern school librarian lives at the center of innovation in literacy, curriculum, instructional approaches, and inclusivity.
“Many librarians are former classroom teachers and know what is valuable―and invaluable―to teachers,” says Tahmaseb. “We look to partner with teachers and administrators to do great things in schools by helping students enjoy their classes more, perform better, improve multiple literacy skills, and more.”
By looking at the librarian as a partner with the teacher, educators can access a limitless resource for making the most of digital tools and content. “As long as there’s an atmosphere or ecosystem of explicit teaching, support, and practice in the form of lessons, the opportunities are endless for the librarians to implement online resources,” he adds. “Librarians are natural collaborators.”
As you listen to the interview, think through the following questions and consider how enhanced collaboration between teachers and the school librarian or library media specialist can support better learning for students:
- Are you aware of all that librarians can offer at your school? Would you be open to exploring more opportunities to collaborate on projects with your library media specialist?
- In the interview, Ryan Tahmaseb points to visual, informational, digital, racial, and textual literacy as places where librarians are particularly equipped to help and teach. Have you considered taking advantage of librarians’ knowledge in these areas to help your teaching?
- With increased stresses over the past few years for all teachers, librarians can offer needed project assistance to help lessen the load. What are some areas where the librarian may be able to help your students while removing some burden from your workload?
- What are some areas in which you or your school can improve, with respect to the use of digital tools and content? How can you leverage the librarian as a resource?
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