Home PodcastsMind the Gap Meticulous Community Engagement with Sufian Sadiq

Meticulous Community Engagement with Sufian Sadiq

On this episode of Mind the Gap, special guest Sufian Sadiq joins Tom and Emma to discuss CPD, community engagement, and leadership in education.
Meticulous Community Engagement with Sufian Sadiq

For this episode, special guest Sufian Sadiq joins hosts Tom Sherrington and Emma Turner to discuss CPD, community engagement, and leadership in education. The conversation focuses on the interplay between meticulous planning and passionate engagement. It is clear throughout the conversation that Sufian has mastered the ability to engage and plan to make schools, communities, and learning thrive.  

Community Engagement

In part one of this episode, the group discusses Sufian’s role at the Chiltern Learning Trust, primarily the CPD they provide and the community stewardship they take on in the communities they serve. 

One example of the CPD resources they discuss is a series of walkthroughs that Tom and Sufian did in one of the Chiltern schools, providing amazing curricular support and coaching to teachers.

Defining Community Engagement on the Micro-Level 

In the second part of the episode and throughout this whole conversation,  the trio discusses the true definition of community engagement, particularly understanding the community you serve. As Sufian explores, DEI is a major part of his work. One of the often overlooked factors in those conversations includes discussions of class and background. 

What is Going in Your Students Lives

Sufian explores the factors contributing to a disconnected education experience for many students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Things like the elevator they have to take down from their apartment to go to school to the types of conversations they have in class are things that teachers often don’t get, and it causes friction in the classroom. 

Sufian challenges these expectations. He asks: how can you teach and engage students if you do not know the factors of their everyday lives? 

Sustainable Aspirational Learning

The episode closes by discussing the difference between knowledge acquisition and aspirational curriculum. Sufian explores that when given the right tools and resources, you can create learning environments for students to thrive. However, if you engage students and understand their backgrounds, you can begin to inspire them to broader long-term success. 

As Emma points out, adding an interpersonal approach to learning adds a sustainable element to every lesson. There may be days when a lesson doesn’t particularly engage every student; however, when thinking and teaching aspirationally, you can connect with every student. 

Watch more episodes of Mind The Gap to learn about making education work globally.

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