Home PodcastMind the Gap Changing the Early Career Narrative with Sam Twiselton, OBE

Changing the Early Career Narrative with Sam Twiselton, OBE

Professor Sam Twiselton discusses her desire to see a change in the narrative around early career teachers in this Mind the Gap episode with Tom and Emma
1 minutes read

Professor Sam Twiselton, OBE is the special guest for this episode of Mind the Gap. Sam is the Director of the Sheffield Institute of Education at Sheffield Hallam University and one of the UK’s most recognized leaders in the areas of Initial and Continuing Teacher Development.   


Among other topics, Sam discusses her desire to see a change in the narrative around early career #teachers (7:50), her thoughts on what should be included in #teachertraining and initial teacher #education (19:30), and how she views her role and responsibility as a national education leader (38:00).

Subscribe to Mind the Gap with Tom & Emma on YouTube to view all video episodes: https://www.youtube.com/c/MindtheGapwithTomEmma 

To listen to the audio version, subscribe here on your preferred podcast app: https://anchor.fm/mindthegap-edu

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