Teachers and administrators from junior to senior can learn from each other
edCircuit Breakdown
As educators and administrators open up to techniques, processes, and behaviors that stray from what is considered traditionally correct, teachers of all ages are learning to work together, which one very experienced teacher says is a good thing.
At one New Jersey middle school, English teachers had their students invite family, friends, and teachers from a variety of generations to explore ways that different generations can learn from each other.
As Generation Z begins to enter college, they are disrupting education, not just with their comfort and reliance on tech, but their tendency “to embrace social learning environments, where they can be hands-on and directly involved in the learning process.”
edCircuit Analysis
Different generations bring different qualities when it comes to teaching and administrating in schools. Baby Boomers grew up in very structured classrooms and they may not fully appreciate having computers and phones in the hands of students during lessons and lectures. Millennial may not mind, and may in some cases encourage it for note taking and on-the-fly research.
The differences are evident, but they don’t have to make things antagonistic if everyone is open to exploring the differences, respecting everyone’s attitude and keeping an open mind about learning from each other. While they are broad generalizations, there are distinct differences between most Millennials, Xers, Boomers, and Traditionalists, differences that can make the learning journey for students and the teaching journey for all educators rich and rewarding with the right attitude.