Home Nolwenture OppiPlay Primary

Nolwenture OppiPlay Primary

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Joensuu, Finland 18th May 2021


Nolwenture, a digital products and services creation company based in the education and digital savvy nation of Finland have launched OppiPlay Primary for teachers and their pupils, targeting the primary school, K12 market.

OppiPlay Primary is now available through Google Play and the App Store and it is free to download the mobile application. For teachers and content creators they will use the easy and intuitive web application to make lesson plans, theory content and exercises, and this will initially be available for free to offer support during the disruption to schools during the current COVID crisis.

Before launching OppiPlay Primary, an evaluation was undertaken by the Education Alliance Finland (EAF), using a method based on educational psychology and Finnish pedagogical knowledge to evaluate the quality of the learning solution. Nolwenture are pleased to announce that the EAF Certified OppiPlay, confirming it is a well designed educational solution that aligns with learning science principles, its design compiles with research on learning and pedagogy and pursues to implement good practices in order to promote and support learning.

“OppiPlay is truly rewarding education as the pupils get a unique digital experience to aid their learning and collect coin rewards to be used in the virtual OppiPlay Islands game, giving a flexible tool for teachers whilst they work with a mixture of blended and remote learning during these unprecedented times” Rob Connell, CEO, Nolwenture Oy.

“Dikaios solutions are already used by the most significant content providers for electronic learning material as well as several different municipalities and education institutions in Finland. Together with our partners, we are delighted to be able to add OppiPlay Primary to the EduStore, adding to our EdTech portfolio, this will offer much needed support to our schools, the teachers and pupils” Timo Kettunen, COO, Dikaios Oy.

Nolwenture created OppiPlay to be intuitive and easy to use for teachers and pupils. The solution was developed using user-centered design, which includes the involvement of several teachers and students along the journey and will continue to evolve through cooperation with our education partners and users of OppiPlay.


About Nolwenture

Established in 2012 with talented business and technical consultants and software engineers. Located in Joensuu, Kuopio and Helsinki, Finland as well as a presence in SE Asia in Singapore. Your flexible partner for digital innovation, commercial service creation, internationalisation and software development. Nolwenture is a member of EdTech Finland.

Media contact: rob.connell@nolwenture.com or tel. +358 102 717 720

Sign up to OppiPlay here other enquiries to support@oppiplay.com or contact@nolwenture.comed mind.” To read more visit The Guardian

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