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New book focuses on student voices for education reform

In this interview, edCircuit sits down with Dr. Russell Quaglia, the Founder and President of the Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations.
1 minutes read

Dr. Russell Quaglia, the Founder and President of the Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations, recently attended and gave a speech at the Education World Forum in London. He shares his experience of being surrounded by global leaders in education. Dr. Quaglia has also co-authored a new book with Michael Corso, titled “Student Voice.”

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This interview was originally published on Core of Education

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  • Dr. Russell J. Quaglia is a globally recognized pioneer in the field of education, known for his unwavering dedication to student voice and aspirations. Dr. Quaglia has been described by news media as America's foremost authority on the development and achievement of student voice and aspirations. His innovative work is evidenced by an extensive library of research-based publications, prominent international speaking appearances, and a successfully growing list of aspirations ventures. Among these ventures, Dr. Quaglia authored the School Voice suite of surveys, including Student Voice, Teacher Voice, Parent Voice, and iKnow My Class. His recent book, Student Voice: The Instrument of Change published by Corwin is already receiving international acclaim. In addition to founding and leading the Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations, Dr. Quaglia also founded and currently chairs the Aspirations Academies Trust, a sponsor of primary and secondary academies in England built upon his aspirations research. Most recently he has founded the Teacher Voice and Aspirations International Center, dedicated to amplifying the voice of teachers in order for them to realize their aspirations and reach their fullest potential. Dr. Quaglia earned his bachelor's degree at Assumption College, a masters degree in economics from Boston College, and master of education and doctorate degrees from Columbia University, specializing in the area of organizational theory and behavior. He has been awarded numerous honorary doctorates in humanitarian services for his dedication to students. Dr. Quaglia's work has also led him to serve on several national and international committees, reflecting his passion for ensuring that students' and teacehers’ voices are always heard, honored, and acted upon.

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