Home Hidden CoffeEd: Redefining Inclusion Education

CoffeEd: Redefining Inclusion Education

Toby Karten is an experienced staff developer, instructional coach, educational consultant, author, adjunct professor, and inclusion specialist who has taught from preschool to graduate level. She designed online courses and professional development units for pre-service and practicing educators and related staff in school districts across the country.
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Toby Karten is an experienced staff developer, instructional coach, educational consultant, author, adjunct professor, and inclusion specialist who has taught from preschool to graduate level. She designed online courses and professional development units for pre-service and practicing educators and related staff in school districts across the country.

As a speaker and inclusion coach, Karten has collaborated with administrators, staff, students, and their families at local, national, and international school sites. She has been recognized by the Council for Exceptional Children and the New Jersey Department of Education as an exemplary educator, receiving two “Teacher of the Year” awards. Karten sat down with Dr. Berger, president of MindRocket Media Group to discuss a number of subjects including inclusion and the Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Karten said we need to redefine what inclusion is, in terms of the specific set of skills a student has and the specific types of support a school system has to give. It should not be just another thing that a school system has to do. It should be a universal approach that says we are accepting the student and we are going to set the student up for many, many successes.


Toby Karten is an experienced staff developer, instructional coach, educational consultant, author, adjunct professor, and inclusion specialist who has taught from preschool to graduate level. She designed online courses and professional development units for pre-service and practicing educators and related staff in school districts across the country. As a speaker and inclusion coach, Karten has collaborated with administrators, staff, students, and their families at local, national, and international school sites.

She has been recognized by the Council for Exceptional Children and the New Jersey Department of Education as an exemplary educator, receiving two “Teacher of the Year” awards. Throughout her professional career, Karten has helped staff translate research into practical applications for PreK-12 classrooms. Her first publication, Inclusion Strategies That Work! Research-Based Methods for the Classroom is an international bestseller now in its third edition. Karten is the author of numerous additional publications including, Inclusion & CCSS Supports for Students & Staff.

Karten received an honorary doctorate from Gratz College for her extensive work in the field of Special Education since 1975. Her ongoing professional goal is to collaborate with school staff to help them effectively deliver the curriculum standards to students within their least restrictive environments, looking at inclusive placements as viable first options.

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