It’s clear that teaching a strengths-based version of SEL into schools won’t succeed by putting more posters on the walls of classrooms.
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It’s clear that teaching a strengths-based version of SEL into schools won’t succeed by putting more posters on the walls of classrooms.
As school systems become more globally competent and teachers become more knowledgeable and gain comfort with infusing global competence into the classrooms, students are expected to expand their knowledge incrementally …
Our schools similarly need to light fires on the water and invite schools across the world in to share in learning starting from their own communities outward. These fires that …
Rigor and Competency-Based Instruction, which focuses on students meeting specific competencies, is increasingly influential in education.
This generation doesn’t buy newspapers…
Before I wrote this article, I decided not to be some stuffy suit who decides she knows what’s good for others
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