Home On the Wire The Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (ALAS) Announces Recipients of its 2023-2024 ALAS Awards

The Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (ALAS) Announces Recipients of its 2023-2024 ALAS Awards

he Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (ALAS) today announces the recipients of its 2023-2024 ALAS Awards.
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The honorees will be celebrated during the 20th Anniversary ALAS National Education Summit Gala on October 6, 2023 in San Antonio, TX

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 25, 2023) – The Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (ALAS) today announced the recipients of its 2023-2024 ALAS Awards. This year’s awards recognize 12 individuals and organizations for their extraordinary education advocacy and leadership. Recipients include education leaders, policymakers, administrators, and organizations as well as a student, an actor, and an astronaut. The recipients will be honored during a special awards ceremony at the ALAS National Education Summit Gala on October 6, 2023.

2023-24 ALAS Award Winners:


Trailblazer: U.S. Representative Raúl Grijalva, Arizona

Estrella Award: U.S. Representative Andrea Salinas, Oregon

Lifetime Achievement: Dr. Jose Leyba, guest lecturer and consultant

Superintendent of the Year: Zandra Jo Galván, Superintendent, Greenfield Union School District, CA

Assistant Superintendent of the Year: Dr. Madeline Negrón, current Superintendent, New Haven Public Schools, CT

Central Office Administrator of the Year: Dr. Ángel Toledo-López, Subsecretario, Puerto Rico Department of Education

Principal of the Year: Angel Rodriguez, Principal, Lyman Hall Elementary School, GA

Resilient Leader of the Year: Myrna Lopez Patti, Principal, Tornillo Elementary School, TX

Student of the Year: Juan Galindo, Sophomore, Broward College

Central Campus, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Inspiration of the Year: José Hernández, astronaut

Influential Leader of the Year: Michael Peña, actor

State Affiliate of the Year: Colorado Association of Latino/A Administrators and Superintendents (CO-ALAS)

Our ALAS Award recipients are tireless in their efforts to provide service, advocacy, representation, education and leadership for the Latino community and specifically for Latino youth and those involved in their education,” said ALAS Executive Director Dr. Maria Armstrong. “We are excited to celebrate and honor these amazing individuals and organizations for the work they do day-in and day-out to make a difference in schools, districts and communities.”

The ALAS 20th Anniversary National Education Summit, takes place Oct. 4-6, 2023 in San Antonio, TX. It is ALAS’ premier leadership development event and features inspiring keynote speakers, thought-provoking breakout sessions, workshops, policy updates and networking opportunities for administrators and aspiring administrators, school board members, education leaders and solution providers from across the country.

In addition to celebrating the ALAS Award winners at the Gala, ALAS will also highlight its ALAS Founders as well as the Past Presidents.

For more information about the Summit and the Gala, visit: https://www.alasedu.org/annual-summit.

For more information about ALAS, visit https://www.alasedu.org.

About the Association of Latino Administrators & Superintendents (ALAS)

The Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents [ALAS] is committed to providing a perspective to all aspiring school and district administrators including superintendents through programs, services, advocacy and networks rooted in Latino experiences and culture. Our Vision, Mission and Goals are to provide leadership at the national level that assures every school in America effectively serves the educational needs of all students with an emphasis on Latino and other historically marginalized youth through continuous professional learning, policy advocacy, and networking to share practices of promise for our students and the communities where we serve.

By the year 2026, Latino children will make up 30 percent of the school-age population. In the nation’s largest states – California, Texas, Florida, and New York- all of whom are ALAS State Affiliates – Latinos already have reached that level. It is of vital interest to invest in the education of every child, and the professional learning of all educators who serve Latino youth.

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