Home On the Wire VHS Learning Opens Registration for Fall 2024 Online High School Courses

VHS Learning Opens Registration for Fall 2024 Online High School Courses

The nonprofit has over 200 unique high school courses, which range from core subjects and unique electives to Advanced Placement® and Honors options.
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Boston, MA – May 2, 2024 – Today, as registration opens for VHS Learning’s 2024-2025 courses, high school students will find a wider selection of options for the upcoming school year. The nonprofit has added more offerings to its over 200 unique high school courses, which range from core subjects and unique electives to Advanced Placement® and Honors options.

VHS Learning collaborates with schools of all types — urban, rural, public, and private — to expand their programs of study and offer instructor-led courses that might not otherwise be available locally. The program features small class sizes, certified teachers, interactive learning, and flexible scheduling with coursework that is accessible anywhere students have internet access. Adding VHS Learning courses is quick and easy, as VHS Learning provides the course instructors and curriculum, as well as its team of helpful online learning experts. Schools can choose to schedule VHS Learning courses into their standard school day, just like any other course offered at the school.

This fall, VHS Learning will offer courses in a variety of subjects and formats, ranging from STEM to Humanities, including its popular new self-paced options. New course additions will include Computer Science and Technology courses such as Artificial Intelligence, Arts courses such as Music Production, and self-paced courses such as English 12 Self-Paced and Personal Fitness Self-Paced.

The Artificial Intelligence course will explore the history, workings, and societal impact of artificial intelligence. To understand AI concepts, students will use several interactive artificial intelligence simulation tools, including MIT App Inventor and Scratch. In a culminating project, students will develop their own AI prototype and explain ethical considerations in its design.

In the Music Production course, students will analyze music to see how music production creates the sounds of different modern musical genres. They will then use the social music creation platform BandLab to create new works of their own, experimenting with diverse music production techniques. Students will also collaborate to develop complex works for a releasable single. This course is aligned with the National Core Arts Standards for music theory and composition and is designed for both experienced musicians and students with no prior musical experience.

Students participating in the English 12 Self-Paced literature and writing course will share their analyses of various literary and informational texts through written arguments and narrative pieces. In the final unit, students research and present their findings on a topic related to one of the historical, literary, or thematic concepts in the previous units. Students will earn one credit for the course and can begin on any Wednesday, from September through the first Wednesday in February. All assignments must be completed by June 15, so students who enroll later will progress through the material at a faster rate.

The Physical Education: Personal Fitness course is aligned with the ShapeAmerica Physical Education standards. Students will design a personal workout program for themselves as they learn how regular exercise and nutrition benefit one’s mental, physical, and social health. Students can enroll and begin on any Wednesday, from September through the first Wednesday in February. The course completion deadline is June 15.

“In the 28 years that VHS Learning has provided supplemental online high school classes, we have earned a reputation for our high educational quality standards,” said Carol DeFuria, President & CEO of VHS Learning. “All of our courses are led by a certified high school teacher, so students always have the support they need. These new courses are a great addition to our extensive course catalog, and we look forward to having students experience and enjoy these courses.”

 About VHS Learning

VHS Learning is a nonprofit organization with almost 30 years of experience providing world-class online programs to students and schools everywhere. More than 500 schools around the world take advantage of VHS Learning’s 200+ online high school courses — including 29 AP® courses, credit recovery, and enrichment courses — to expand their programs of study. VHS Learning is accredited by Middle States Association Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS) and the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC). Courses are approved for initial eligibility by NCAA. For more information about VHS Learning please visit https://www.vhslearning.org/ and follow on Twitter at @VHSLearning.

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