Lori Jackson provides key points to help families survive the emotional wheel.
Connecting with Kids
Connecting with KidsCovid-19Hybrid and Remote Learning
Connecting with Kids: Emotions in the Era of COVID-19
by4 minutes readDuring times of uncertainty and especially times that are out of our control, what we can control is critical.
Lori Jackson and Steve Peck acknowledge the importance of “functional skills” in learning.
Instead of going head-to-head with a restless student, step back and let them take their own lead.
It’s always important for a teacher to step back during this time of the year and take stock of what has been achieved in the first few months of school.
Connecting with KidsK-12 Teachers
Connecting with Kids: Proactive Behavior Management Strategies
5 minutes readThe time to teach the skills kids need for classroom management is before there is an issue.
When we start the year teaching kids to identify, understand and manage their emotions, we are setting the stage for a year of success.
Project-based learningConnecting with KidsSocial Emotional Learning
Connecting with Kids: A New Approach to SEL
7 minutes readGiving students the solid foundation they need to learn a lifetime of social and emotional skills