As our society advances even more, students will have to cover more and more content, this article explores the role neuroscience plays in that development.
Pronita Mehrotra
EducatorsK-12 TeachersProfessional DevelopmentPronita MehrotraArticle Series
K-12 TeachersAdministratorsPronita MehrotraMarket Research
When EdTech Tools Work and When They Don’t
4 minutes readDespite the vast potential of edTech tools, they can inadvertently create situations where student learning gets negatively impacted.
Pronita MehrotraCreativityUnfinished Learning
Address Unfinished Learning Using Creativity And Arts
5 minutes readWhat we need to address Unfinished Learning are more holistic approaches that build student enthusiasm, curiosity, and engagement toward learning.
Pronita MehrotraProject-based learningCreativity
Why Play and Imagination For Students is Essential
5 minutes readIn an ever changing education landscape we must prioritize play and imagination for students, this is a guide to foster required creativity.
Pronita MehrotraDiversity, Equity, InclusionSocial Emotional Learning
How Gender Stereotypes Hurt Creativity
4 minutes readMany have tried to evaluate whether any particular gender has an advantage in creative thinking, and research meta-results have been inconclusive.
A creativity mindset developed at an early age can have a tremendous impact on a child’s success, allowing them to make meaningful contributions to society.
EducatorsPronita MehrotraProject-based learningCreativity
Why Creativity Should Be Taught In Schools
5 minutes readCreativity is a much-needed skill that can be improved with practice, and teaching it early to students can help them prepare better for the future.
CreativitySchool SafetyPronita MehrotraSocial Emotional Learning
What Animals Can Teach Us About Creativity
4 minutes readPronita Mehrotra discusses research on how rudimentary creativity skills demonstrated by different animal species give us clues about our own creativity.
Pronita MehrotraDiversity, Equity, InclusionSocial Emotional LearningCreativityEducators
Improve Student Motivation in High-Stakes Environments
4 minutes readHow can we improve student motivation? Over a period of 5 years, from 2000 to 2005, the US slipped from 18th in the world in math to 40th.