The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to preserving the privacy of citizens in an age when websites, email providers and software makers suck up and store information on users, started the Spying on Students Campaign to make sure student information stays secure.
CommunityAdvocatesAround the Web
England’s private schools are struggling to attract pupils. Although the number of school-age children has risen since 2008, independent schools have barely grown. As a result, the proportion of children at such schools has slipped from 7.2% to 6.9%, with absolute numbers falling everywhere apart from the prosperous south-east (see chart). Why are English parents—a famously pushy bunch—increasingly reluctant to pay for their children’s education?
EducatorsK-12 TeachersGlobalAround the Web
The Independent: Teacher pay chart shows world’s highest earning teachers
0 minutes readTeachers in England are among the best paid in the world – but they fall far behind those in Luxembourg, where those in the profession can expect to get paid more than £60,000 a year.
CommunityParentsHot Topics - controversialAround the Web
The Columbus Dispatch: Takeovers of lousy schools by parents never...
0 minutes readBy Bill Bush If the state of Ohio’s transition to new proficiency tests didn’t kill the “parent trigger,” it’s put it on life support. The GOP-backed law that created the …
AdvocatesAround the WebedLeadersLocalCommunity
NewsOK: Oklahoma County sheriff: Early childhood education helps to fight...
0 minutes readBy John Whetsel I began my law enforcement career in 1967. I served 24 years with the Choctaw Police Department before being elected sheriff 19 years ago. I’ve dedicated my …
The 2014-15 academic year saw a significant rise in the enrollment of Indian students, finds a report.
CommunityGlobalAround the Web
Global Partnership for Education: The crucial role of teachers in...
1 minutes readNew paper focuses on centrality of teachers to peacebuilding in post-conflict contexts
Diversity, Equity, InclusionCommunityStudentsAdvocatesAround the Web
Latin Post: Latinos and STEM Education: Nuestro Futuro Latino Education...
0 minutes readBy Robert Schoon While there is a dearth of diversity in Silicon Valley, high-tech industries in the U.S. are expanding at such a rapid clip that employers are having trouble …
GlobalAround the WebedLeaders
From BBC: Spending Review: Schools to get ‘fair funding’ formula
0 minutes readBy Branwen Jeffreys Plans to redress differences in school funding across England are expected to be outlined in the Autumn Statement. Change will begin in 2017-18 after consultation on the …